I've made a full-length nightie using this pattern from 1976. First I ran up the pyjama pants in a Hawaiian cotton. The legs are very wide but not flared -- they fall straight from the hip. Then I made the nightie. The fabric is a Black Watch tartan cotton flannel from Gorgeous Fabrics. The distinctive feature of this pattern is the petal-shaped collar, which looks endearingly naff. I found it irresistible. The yoke is one piece only, not double, so seams are exposed on the inside. To finish them and prevent fraying, I applied ribbon seam binding.
I have made the pants of this pattern again, in a Liberty print called Judy Rose.
Pattern envelope
Envelope back
Pyjama pants
Collar of the nightie
Sleeve of the nightie
Ribbon seam binding as elastic casing on sleeve
Front, right side: sleeves, button and loop to come
Yoke, wrong side, with seam binding and facing stitched down
Button and thread loop at yoke seam: the only fastening