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Alan K | profile | all galleries >> Victoria (Especially Melbourne) >> 2015 06 The Foodie And Theatre Tour, June 2015 (Tue 23 to Wed 24 Jun 15) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

2005 to 2011 Miscellaneous Melbourne | 2009 04 A Day And A Bit In Bleak City (Sat 11 Apr 09) | 2010 07 A Walk Down Lonsdale Street (Sat 10 Jul 10) | 2010 04 Ron Mueck at the National Gallery Of Victoria (Sat 03 April 10) | 2010 12 Old Melbourne Gaol (Jail) (Fri 24 Dec 10) | 2011 06 Another Day And A Bit In Melbourne (Fri 03 Jun to Sat 04 Jun 11) | 2011 10 Up In The Air (Melbourne) (Mon 03 Oct 11) | 2011 09 to 2011 10 West Of Melbourne | 2015 06 The Foodie And Theatre Tour, June 2015 (Tue 23 to Wed 24 Jun 15)

2015 06 The Foodie And Theatre Tour, June 2015 (Tue 23 to Wed 24 Jun 15)

I'm somewhat behind on posting my PADs, replying to comments on my PADs, and commenting on others' PADs, but for the moment I'm going to leave that aside to post some shots from a trip to Melbourne in the last week of June 2015 so that for once they aren't sitting on the computer for weeks, months, years on end before finally being forgotten about.

This trip stayed around the CBD and involved restaurants, a walking tour to see the best eateries, a few trips to the theatre, and more restaurants.

On the Wednesday morning we took a Queenie's Breakfast City Walking Tour. Some of the places that we stopped are shown in the images below, though this gallery can't do justice to the tour. There were too many places that we visited and too much information to include in the captions. If you're into food, it's worth doing.

A couple of the destinations of the tour won't be seen below so I'll mention them in brief. This particular tour (for there are several on offer, and their details change over time) started at Pei Modern Melbourne, under the Soffitel in Collins Street only a short walk from our own hotel. Initially I felt a tad underwhelmed by the menu and the prices aren't the cheapest (nor the most expensive, I grant you). The tour guide recommended the scrambled eggs, though I had my doubts; on one occasion we went to Bill Grainer's place in Darlinghurst which supposedly had "world famous scrambled eggs". Which were nice, but very, very unexceptional. The ones at Pei Modern, however... I'm not sure what herbs and / or spices they put into them but they were probably in the top 5 scrambled eggs I've had, and I don't really remember the other four.
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20150624_008096 The Walking Tour, Stop 1
20150624_008096 The Walking Tour, Stop 1
20150624_008101 The Walking Tour, Stop 1 Part 2
20150624_008101 The Walking Tour, Stop 1 Part 2
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