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Alan K | profile | all galleries >> Victoria (Especially Melbourne) >> 2011 06 Another Day And A Bit In Melbourne (Fri 03 Jun to Sat 04 Jun 11) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

2005 to 2011 Miscellaneous Melbourne | 2009 04 A Day And A Bit In Bleak City (Sat 11 Apr 09) | 2010 07 A Walk Down Lonsdale Street (Sat 10 Jul 10) | 2010 04 Ron Mueck at the National Gallery Of Victoria (Sat 03 April 10) | 2010 12 Old Melbourne Gaol (Jail) (Fri 24 Dec 10) | 2011 06 Another Day And A Bit In Melbourne (Fri 03 Jun to Sat 04 Jun 11) | 2011 10 Up In The Air (Melbourne) (Mon 03 Oct 11) | 2011 09 to 2011 10 West Of Melbourne | 2015 06 The Foodie And Theatre Tour, June 2015 (Tue 23 to Wed 24 Jun 15)

2011 06 Another Day And A Bit In Melbourne (Fri 03 Jun to Sat 04 Jun 11)

On this occasion we were in Melbourne for 3 days (closer to 4 for me), but I came down with a dose of the 'flu on Saturday night and didn't take anything other than PAD shots on the Sunday and Monday. Consequently I'll make the main gallery for this trip another "follow us through the course of the day" one, just as my original "Day and A Bit In Bleak City" one was.

Obviously this gallery is still under construction.
18111 17:37 Day 1 - Before The Game
18111 17:37 Day 1 - Before The Game
18112 17:39 Day 1 - Gate 2
18112 17:39 Day 1 - Gate 2
18124 17:49 Day 1 - Melbourne Noire
18124 17:49 Day 1 - Melbourne Noire
18130 09:11 Day 2 - By Foot Only
18130 09:11 Day 2 - By Foot Only
18131 09:12 Day 2 - The Autumn Path
18131 09:12 Day 2 - The Autumn Path
18134 09:13 Day 2 - Kicking The Leaves
18134 09:13 Day 2 - Kicking The Leaves
18138 09:16 Day 2 - The Colours Of Autumn I
18138 09:16 Day 2 - The Colours Of Autumn I
18148 09:21 Day 2 - Lichen Rocks
18148 09:21 Day 2 - Lichen Rocks
18150 09:23 Day 2 - Avenue Of English Elms
18150 09:23 Day 2 - Avenue Of English Elms
18152 09:24 Day 2 - Morning Light On The Walkway
18152 09:24 Day 2 - Morning Light On The Walkway
18154 09:25 Day 2 - The Planting Beds
18154 09:25 Day 2 - The Planting Beds
18156 09:27 Day 2 - The Fairies' Tree I
18156 09:27 Day 2 - The Fairies' Tree I
18158 09:28 Day 2 - The Fairies' Tree II
18158 09:28 Day 2 - The Fairies' Tree II
18160 09:29 Day 2 - The Fairies' Tree III
18160 09:29 Day 2 - The Fairies' Tree III
18166 09:31 Day 2 - Morning Over The Mock Tudor Village I
18166 09:31 Day 2 - Morning Over The Mock Tudor Village I
18173 09:33 Day 2 - The Mock Tudor Village II, Long Shadows Over The Churchyard
18173 09:33 Day 2 - The Mock Tudor Village II, Long Shadows Over The Churchyard
18176 09:34 Day 2 - The Mock Tudor Village III, Pathway To The Churchyard
18176 09:34 Day 2 - The Mock Tudor Village III, Pathway To The Churchyard
18177 09:36 Day 2 - Melburnian Autumn Leaves I
18177 09:36 Day 2 - Melburnian Autumn Leaves I
18181 09:37 Day 2 - Rotunda, 1873
18181 09:37 Day 2 - Rotunda, 1873
18184 09:39 Day 2 - Branches And Buildings
18184 09:39 Day 2 - Branches And Buildings
18187 09:40 Day 2 - Melburnian Autumn Leaves II
18187 09:40 Day 2 - Melburnian Autumn Leaves II
18191 09:42 Day 2 - How's It Hangin', Dude?
18191 09:42 Day 2 - How's It Hangin', Dude?
18193 09:42 Day 2 - The Dragon In Context
18193 09:42 Day 2 - The Dragon In Context
18194 09:43 Day 2 - Melburnian Autumn Leaves III
18194 09:43 Day 2 - Melburnian Autumn Leaves III
18200 09:46 Day 2 - The Band Pavilion, 1864
18200 09:46 Day 2 - The Band Pavilion, 1864
18202 09:47 Day 2 - Ascent From The Valley
18202 09:47 Day 2 - Ascent From The Valley
18204 09:51 Day 2 - The Colours Of Autumn II
18204 09:51 Day 2 - The Colours Of Autumn II
18205 10:03 Day 2 - Verdancy
18205 10:03 Day 2 - Verdancy
18208 10:11 Day 2 - Welcome To Cook's Cottage
18208 10:11 Day 2 - Welcome To Cook's Cottage
18211 10:13 Day 2 - The Dining Room
18211 10:13 Day 2 - The Dining Room
18214 10:15 Day 2 - The Butter Churn
18214 10:15 Day 2 - The Butter Churn
18217 10:16 Day 2 - Tick Tock
18217 10:16 Day 2 - Tick Tock
18218 10:17 Day 2 - Indoor Plumbing
18218 10:17 Day 2 - Indoor Plumbing
18219 10:19 Day 2 - All The Comforts Of, Ummm
18219 10:19 Day 2 - All The Comforts Of, Ummm
18219 10:19 Day 2 - The Chestnut Roaster, Up Close
18219 10:19 Day 2 - The Chestnut Roaster, Up Close
18222 10:19 Day 2 - Clothes Of The Day, News Of The Day
18222 10:19 Day 2 - Clothes Of The Day, News Of The Day
18223 10:20 Day 2 - A Change Of Clothes
18223 10:20 Day 2 - A Change Of Clothes
18224 10:22 Day 2 - Bed Sweet Bed
18224 10:22 Day 2 - Bed Sweet Bed
18227 10:23 Day 2 - The Writing Table
18227 10:23 Day 2 - The Writing Table
18230 10:27 Day 2 - Through The Cooks' Window
18230 10:27 Day 2 - Through The Cooks' Window
18235 10:30 Day 2 - James Cook, RN
18235 10:30 Day 2 - James Cook, RN
18239 10:31 Day 2 - The Cottage And The Ivy
18239 10:31 Day 2 - The Cottage And The Ivy
18241 10:32 Day 2 - From A Faux English Country Garden
18241 10:32 Day 2 - From A Faux English Country Garden
18247 10:47 Day 2 - Light Through The Autumn Leaves
18247 10:47 Day 2 - Light Through The Autumn Leaves
18250 10:50 Day 2 - Like A Bridge Over Matrimonial Waters
18250 10:50 Day 2 - Like A Bridge Over Matrimonial Waters
18252 10:51 Day 2 - Plant Textures I
18252 10:51 Day 2 - Plant Textures I
18253 10:51 Day 2 - Plant Textures II
18253 10:51 Day 2 - Plant Textures II
110604_105934_18264 Lavender Spray (Day 2, 10:59 Sat)
110604_105934_18264 Lavender Spray (Day 2, 10:59 Sat)
18269 11:30 Day 2 - NGV And Its Amazing Technicoloured Dream Ceiling
18269 11:30 Day 2 - NGV And Its Amazing Technicoloured Dream Ceiling
18282 13:00 Day 2 - OK, Maybe ONE Vessel...
18282 13:00 Day 2 - OK, Maybe ONE Vessel...
110604_143020_18284 Past The Repast (Day 2, 14:30 Sat)
110604_143020_18284 Past The Repast (Day 2, 14:30 Sat)
18286 14:34 Day 2 - I Said MOSTLY Sunlit
18286 14:34 Day 2 - I Said MOSTLY Sunlit