090411_0737_3420 - 07:37 View From A Room |
 090411_0916_3431 - 09:16 A Traditional British Pub Mk I |
 090411_0918_3433 - 09:18 A Traditional British Pub Mk II |
 090411_0923_3436 - 09:23 A Kodak Moment On The Steps Of Parliament |
 090411_0926_3442 - 09:26 3 Balls And Crown |
 090411_0928_3443 - 09:28 Adam Lindsay Gordon Reclining In Spring Street |
 090411_0930_3444 - 09:30 "Maybe if you press the OTHER button" |
 090411_0945_3464 - 09:45 Washing The Premiers |
 090411_0951_3469 - 09:51 Not The Gesture You Think It Is |
 090411_0951_3471 - 09:51 A Quiet Chat |
 090411_0956_3476 - 09:56 Meeting Dick Hamer |
 090411_1003_3485 - 10:03 Dieu Et Mon Droit |
 090411_1009_3494 - 10:09 Texting In The Mist |
 090411_1010_3495 - 10:10 Framed Meditation |
 090411_1012_3498 - 10:12 Sundial, but what's missing? |
 090411_1012_3500 - 10:12 Walking Away From The Conservatory |
 090411_1018_3509 - 10:18 Cook Among The Flowers |
 090411_1049_3526 - 10:49 Mock Tudor In Miniature |
 090411_1106_3539 - 11:06 Reading About The Footy |
 090411_1128_3543 - 11:28 Exiting Southern Cross |
 090411_1146_3550 - 11:46 Victoria Railways, Welcome Aboard! |
 090411_1204_3556 - 12:04 Break Time, Where To Next? |
 090411_1227_3564 - 12:27 Age Old |
 090411_1234_3570 - 12:34 The Vibe |
 090411_1236_3573 - 12:36 Age New |
 090411_1246_3582 - 12:46 White Eagle, Beige Buildings |
 090411_1256_3587 - 12:56 City Circle Sardine Can |
 090411_1311_3594 - 13:11 Flinders St Station |
 090411_1316_3599 - 13:16 Federation Square Architecture |
 090411_1317_3601 - 13:17 Flinders St Station And Federation Square |
 090411_1334_3637 - 13:34 Marching To Your Own Beat |
 090411_1409_3639 - 14:09 That Palais Place |
 090411_1411_3643 - 14:11 Luna Park, Just for … Fun? Really? |
 090411_1412_3646 14:12 Luna Park Vs The Palais Theatre |
 090411_1425_3660 14:25 Sail Or Speed |
 090411_1430_3667 14:30 You Have Ball, I WANT Ball |
 090411_1434_3671 14:34 SURF Rescue, Who Are You Kidding? |
 090411_1444_3675 14:44 The Runner |
 090411_1447_3678 - 14:47 St Kilda Boardwalk |
 090411_1502_3696 - 15:02 A Stroll Along St Kilda Pier |
 090411_1510_3699 - 15:10 The Pavilion |
 090411_1622_3713 - 16:22 Slurp |
 090411_1633_3716 - 16:33 Feral Dog Statue (Larry La Trobe) |
 090411_1641_3722 - 16:41 The Bridal Party |