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Alan K | profile | all galleries >> Victoria (Especially Melbourne) >> 2009 04 A Day And A Bit In Bleak City (Sat 11 Apr 09) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

2005 to 2011 Miscellaneous Melbourne | 2009 04 A Day And A Bit In Bleak City (Sat 11 Apr 09) | 2010 07 A Walk Down Lonsdale Street (Sat 10 Jul 10) | 2010 04 Ron Mueck at the National Gallery Of Victoria (Sat 03 April 10) | 2010 12 Old Melbourne Gaol (Jail) (Fri 24 Dec 10) | 2011 06 Another Day And A Bit In Melbourne (Fri 03 Jun to Sat 04 Jun 11) | 2011 10 Up In The Air (Melbourne) (Mon 03 Oct 11) | 2011 09 to 2011 10 West Of Melbourne | 2015 06 The Foodie And Theatre Tour, June 2015 (Tue 23 to Wed 24 Jun 15)

2009 04 A Day And A Bit In Bleak City (Sat 11 Apr 09)

This gallery contains a photographic sketch of a day (and a bit on either side) that I spent in Bleak City (Sydneysiders' quasi-affectionate name for Melbourne) during Easter 2009.

(During which I contracted a memorable dose of food poisoning and whacked a huge gash out of the front of my leg courtesy of a Spring Street statue, may I add.)

Normally I try to organise my galleries so that there's a certain symmetry to them (portrait orientation shots flanking landscape ones, better shots at the top and so forth), but in this one I'll let you follow me in sequence through the day, and through my tour. In terms of finding the better photos, it's a case of "you pays your mouse clicks and you takes your chances".

090411_0737_3420 - 07:37 View From A Room
090411_0737_3420 - 07:37 View From A Room
090411_0916_3431 - 09:16 A Traditional British Pub Mk I
090411_0916_3431 - 09:16 A Traditional British Pub Mk I
090411_0918_3433 - 09:18 A Traditional British Pub Mk II
090411_0918_3433 - 09:18 A Traditional British Pub Mk II
090411_0923_3436 - 09:23 A Kodak Moment On The Steps Of Parliament
090411_0923_3436 - 09:23 A Kodak Moment On The Steps Of Parliament
090411_0926_3442 - 09:26 3 Balls And Crown
090411_0926_3442 - 09:26 3 Balls And Crown
090411_0928_3443 - 09:28 Adam Lindsay Gordon Reclining In Spring Street
090411_0928_3443 - 09:28 Adam Lindsay Gordon Reclining In Spring Street
090411_0930_3444 - 09:30 Maybe if you press the OTHER button
090411_0930_3444 - 09:30 "Maybe if you press the OTHER button"
090411_0945_3464 - 09:45 Washing The Premiers
090411_0945_3464 - 09:45 Washing The Premiers
090411_0951_3469 - 09:51 Not The Gesture You Think It Is
090411_0951_3469 - 09:51 Not The Gesture You Think It Is
090411_0951_3471 - 09:51 A Quiet Chat
090411_0951_3471 - 09:51 A Quiet Chat
090411_0956_3476 - 09:56 Meeting Dick Hamer
090411_0956_3476 - 09:56 Meeting Dick Hamer
090411_1003_3485 - 10:03 Dieu Et Mon Droit
090411_1003_3485 - 10:03 Dieu Et Mon Droit
090411_1009_3494 - 10:09 Texting In The Mist
090411_1009_3494 - 10:09 Texting In The Mist
090411_1010_3495 - 10:10 Framed Meditation
090411_1010_3495 - 10:10 Framed Meditation
090411_1012_3498 - 10:12 Sundial, but what's missing?
090411_1012_3498 - 10:12 Sundial, but what's missing?
090411_1012_3500 - 10:12 Walking Away From The Conservatory
090411_1012_3500 - 10:12 Walking Away From The Conservatory
090411_1018_3509 - 10:18 Cook Among The Flowers
090411_1018_3509 - 10:18 Cook Among The Flowers
090411_1049_3526 - 10:49 Mock Tudor In Miniature
090411_1049_3526 - 10:49 Mock Tudor In Miniature
090411_1106_3539 - 11:06 Reading About The Footy
090411_1106_3539 - 11:06 Reading About The Footy
090411_1128_3543 - 11:28 Exiting Southern Cross
090411_1128_3543 - 11:28 Exiting Southern Cross
090411_1146_3550 - 11:46 Victoria Railways, Welcome Aboard!
090411_1146_3550 - 11:46 Victoria Railways, Welcome Aboard!
090411_1204_3556 - 12:04 Break Time, Where To Next?
090411_1204_3556 - 12:04 Break Time, Where To Next?
090411_1227_3564 - 12:27 Age Old
090411_1227_3564 - 12:27 Age Old
090411_1234_3570 - 12:34 The Vibe
090411_1234_3570 - 12:34 The Vibe
090411_1236_3573 - 12:36 Age New
090411_1236_3573 - 12:36 Age New
090411_1246_3582 - 12:46 White Eagle, Beige Buildings
090411_1246_3582 - 12:46 White Eagle, Beige Buildings
090411_1256_3587 - 12:56 City Circle Sardine Can
090411_1256_3587 - 12:56 City Circle Sardine Can
090411_1311_3594 - 13:11 Flinders St Station
090411_1311_3594 - 13:11 Flinders St Station
090411_1316_3599 - 13:16 Federation Square Architecture
090411_1316_3599 - 13:16 Federation Square Architecture
090411_1317_3601 - 13:17 Flinders St Station And Federation Square
090411_1317_3601 - 13:17 Flinders St Station And Federation Square
090411_1334_3637 - 13:34 Marching To Your Own Beat
090411_1334_3637 - 13:34 Marching To Your Own Beat
090411_1409_3639 - 14:09 That Palais Place
090411_1409_3639 - 14:09 That Palais Place
090411_1411_3643 - 14:11 Luna Park, Just for … Fun? Really?
090411_1411_3643 - 14:11 Luna Park, Just for … Fun? Really?
090411_1412_3646 14:12 Luna Park Vs The Palais Theatre
090411_1412_3646 14:12 Luna Park Vs The Palais Theatre
090411_1425_3660 14:25 Sail Or Speed
090411_1425_3660 14:25 Sail Or Speed
090411_1430_3667 14:30 You Have Ball, I WANT Ball
090411_1430_3667 14:30 You Have Ball, I WANT Ball
090411_1434_3671 14:34 SURF Rescue, Who Are You Kidding?
090411_1434_3671 14:34 SURF Rescue, Who Are You Kidding?
090411_1444_3675 14:44 The Runner
090411_1444_3675 14:44 The Runner
090411_1447_3678 - 14:47 St Kilda Boardwalk
090411_1447_3678 - 14:47 St Kilda Boardwalk
090411_1502_3696 - 15:02 A Stroll Along St Kilda Pier
090411_1502_3696 - 15:02 A Stroll Along St Kilda Pier
090411_1510_3699 - 15:10 The Pavilion
090411_1510_3699 - 15:10 The Pavilion
090411_1622_3713 - 16:22 Slurp
090411_1622_3713 - 16:22 Slurp
090411_1633_3716 - 16:33 Feral Dog Statue (Larry La Trobe)
090411_1633_3716 - 16:33 Feral Dog Statue (Larry La Trobe)
090411_1641_3722 - 16:41 The Bridal Party
090411_1641_3722 - 16:41 The Bridal Party