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Alan K | profile | all galleries >> Victoria (Especially Melbourne) >> 2010 07 A Walk Down Lonsdale Street (Sat 10 Jul 10) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

2005 to 2011 Miscellaneous Melbourne | 2009 04 A Day And A Bit In Bleak City (Sat 11 Apr 09) | 2010 07 A Walk Down Lonsdale Street (Sat 10 Jul 10) | 2010 04 Ron Mueck at the National Gallery Of Victoria (Sat 03 April 10) | 2010 12 Old Melbourne Gaol (Jail) (Fri 24 Dec 10) | 2011 06 Another Day And A Bit In Melbourne (Fri 03 Jun to Sat 04 Jun 11) | 2011 10 Up In The Air (Melbourne) (Mon 03 Oct 11) | 2011 09 to 2011 10 West Of Melbourne | 2015 06 The Foodie And Theatre Tour, June 2015 (Tue 23 to Wed 24 Jun 15)

2010 07 A Walk Down Lonsdale Street (Sat 10 Jul 10)

On the first full day of my July 2010 visit I headed out before sunrise. I had decided to follow Lonsdale Street down to the Docklands area. Why Lonsdale? No particular reason other than that I hadn't shot a great deal down there previously. Why before dawn? I was hoping to get some night time shots that could show me what the new High Dynamic Range (HDR) feature could do in Photoshop CS5. Why do it at all, and why get some, it must be said, quite pedestrian shots for this gallery? Trust me (well, you don't have to, it's just a figure of speech), I have some ideas that I want to explore but don't want to expound on yet.

{This gallery is under construction}
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