At the south east corner of mainland Australia you will find the state of Victoria. Also known as the People's Democratic Republic of Victoria.
It's the smallest of the mainland states (227,444 km2 or 87,817 sq mi) but is the second most populated atate after New South Wales with a population of over 6.9 million. As a result, it is the most densely populated state in Australia.
Melbourne, also known to Sydneysiders (jokingly and affectionately... kind of) as "Bleak City", is the capital of Victoria. I've visited there on a number of occasions, though all have been short stays. I'd really like to spend at least a week down there some time and explore not only Melbourne city but its surrounds. (That was written back in the 2000s, when I used to regularly get away for interstate breaks. It's unlikely I'd get the chance in the 2020s, but it would still be a nice aspiration.) Most of the photos from the first stay (in 2004, when I was sent down there to do some training by my then employer) didn't turn out so well (though there's one in Fun Stuff), however this gallery will contain shots from other trips.
As for the rest of Victoria, to date the only trip we've made out of Melbourne was west to The Apostles in 2011.
:: 2005 to 2011 Miscellaneous Melbourne ::
:: 2009 04 A Day And A Bit In Bleak City (Sat 11 Apr 09) ::
:: 2010 07 A Walk Down Lonsdale Street (Sat 10 Jul 10) ::
:: 2010 04 Ron Mueck at the National Gallery Of Victoria (Sat 03 April 10) ::
:: 2010 12 Old Melbourne Gaol (Jail) (Fri 24 Dec 10) ::
:: 2011 06 Another Day And A Bit In Melbourne (Fri 03 Jun to Sat 04 Jun 11) ::
:: 2011 10 Up In The Air (Melbourne) (Mon 03 Oct 11) ::
:: 2011 09 to 2011 10 West Of Melbourne ::
:: 2015 06 The Foodie And Theatre Tour, June 2015 (Tue 23 to Wed 24 Jun 15) ::