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Topics >> by Bob Snyder >> birds

birds Photos
Topic maintained by Bob Snyder (see all topics)
One more vist: Trumpeter Swans in Clinton County, PA
One more vist: Trumpeter Swans in Clinton County, PA
by Bob Snyder
Trumpeter Swans at Castanea revisited
Trumpeter Swans at Castanea revisited
by Bob Snyder
Trumpeter Swans stopover in Clinton Co., PA
Trumpeter Swans stopover in Clinton Co., PA
by Bob Snyder
Rose-breasted Grosbeak stops in for a refueling
Rose-breasted Grosbeak stops in for a refueling
by Bob Snyder
Purple Finch female
Purple Finch female
by Bob Snyder
Birds of Bald Eagle State Park: Slide show
Birds of Bald Eagle State Park: Slide show
by Bob Snyder
Yellow-billed Cuckoo Photo Essay.   Posted on May 28, 2008.  Revised on June 8 and July 5, 2008.
Yellow-billed Cuckoo Photo Essay. Posted on May 28, 2008. Revised on June 8 and July 5, 2008.
by Bob Snyder
Eastern Bluebirds
Eastern Bluebirds
by Bob Snyder
Sharp-shinned Hawk in my backyard!
Sharp-shinned Hawk in my backyard!
by Bob Snyder
Disputes among the 'snow birds'
Disputes among the 'snow birds'
by Bob Snyder
Fish Crows as yard birds
Fish Crows as yard birds
by Bob Snyder
Peregrine Falcon at West Branch Susquehana River, near McElhatten, PA
Peregrine Falcon at West Branch Susquehana River, near McElhatten, PA
by Bob Snyder
Images from a Summer Day at Curtin Wetland
Images from a Summer Day at Curtin Wetland
by Bob Snyder
Immature Cooper's Hawk at Bald Eagle State Park, PA
Immature Cooper's Hawk at Bald Eagle State Park, PA
by Bob Snyder
Some Winter Birds of Centre County, PA
Some Winter Birds of Centre County, PA
by Bob Snyder
Some birds that utilize tree cavities and/or nesting boxes
Some birds that utilize tree cavities and/or nesting boxes
by Bob Snyder
Snow Buntings at Lower Green's Run boat launch, Bald Eagle State Park, PA
Snow Buntings at Lower Green's Run boat launch, Bald Eagle State Park, PA
by Bob Snyder
Isis is a Peregrine Falcon
Isis is a Peregrine Falcon
by Bob Snyder
Purple Finches 2009
Purple Finches 2009
by Bob Snyder
Immature Bald Eagles seen at Bald Eagle State Park, Howard, PA
Immature Bald Eagles seen at Bald Eagle State Park, Howard, PA
by Bob Snyder
Rough-legged Hawk at I-80 and Rt 26/I99: 1.31.09
Rough-legged Hawk at I-80 and Rt 26/I99: 1.31.09
by Bob Snyder
Common Grackles seeking food while migrating; Or the great maize mania!!
Common Grackles seeking food while migrating; Or the great maize mania!!
by Bob Snyder
Common Redpolls in Howard, PA: Winter of 2007-2008
Common Redpolls in Howard, PA: Winter of 2007-2008
by Bob Snyder
Immature male:  Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Immature male: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
by Bob Snyder
Female Ruby-throated Hummingbird bathing in hose shower.
Female Ruby-throated Hummingbird bathing in hose shower.
by Bob Snyder
Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, Howard, PA
Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, Howard, PA
by Bob Snyder
Summer Morning in Penn's Woods: July 19, 2008
Summer Morning in Penn's Woods: July 19, 2008
by Bob Snyder
Wildlife from man-made and natural wetlands in Pennsylvania.
Wildlife from man-made and natural wetlands in Pennsylvania.
by Bob Snyder
Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularia)
Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularia)
by Bob Snyder
Carolina Wren at my woodpile, summer 2007
Carolina Wren at my woodpile, summer 2007
by Bob Snyder
Male Pileated Woodpecker working a dying gray birch tree for black ants.
Male Pileated Woodpecker working a dying gray birch tree for black ants.
by Bob Snyder
Birds at Curtin Wetland, near Curtin Village, PA
Birds at Curtin Wetland, near Curtin Village, PA
by Bob Snyder
by Bob Snyder