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Bob Snyder | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Female Ruby-throated Hummingbird bathing in hose shower. tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Female Ruby-throated Hummingbird bathing in hose shower.

I was watering some flower beds on August 17th and decided to lay the hose nozzel on the ground to act as a sprinkler. That of course, would free up my hands, so I could the be busy with the camera instead!! While stalking insects on the plants, I heard a hummingbird fly overhead. It had perched in my Juneberry shrub and was going through the motions of bathing, only sitting on a branch in the shower stream and not in a puddle as other birds do. Changing from my 180mm macro to the 300mm and using fill flash, I photographed the bird as it seemed unfazed by the flash and really intent upon bathing! Enjoy!
Ruby-throated Hummingbird in a garden hose shower stream.
Ruby-throated Hummingbird in a garden hose shower stream.
Ruby-throated (female) Humming-bather
Ruby-throated (female) Humming-bather
Now this feels pretty good!
"Now this feels pretty good!"
What's that human doing...  seems harmless enough!
"What's that human doing... seems harmless enough!"
Just ignore him and get back to serious bathing!
"Just ignore him and get back to serious bathing!"
Hummer-bathers don't just sit still...
Hummer-bathers don't just sit still...
they need to get every centimeter clean....
they need to get every centimeter clean....
A little under the wings, please!
"A little under the wings, please!"
Flick off the last stray drop or two!
Flick off the last stray drop or two!
Ahhh!!!  Now that's better!
Ahhh!!! Now that's better!
Now for some dinner!
Now for some dinner!