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Bob Snyder | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Summer Morning in Penn's Woods: July 19, 2008 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Summer Morning in Penn's Woods: July 19, 2008

Today I went for a short hike in the woods with my camera gear. Nothing special about this walk except it was my first time in the woods since my thyroid surgery in May this year. The wooded trail is off Curtin Hollow Rd, just inside the State Game Lands 092.
First to greet me just inside the trailhead, a Wood Thrush!
First to greet me just inside the trailhead, a Wood Thrush!
Wood Thrush close-up.
Wood Thrush close-up.
Tiny mushroom growing in moss on the trail.
Tiny mushroom growing in moss on the trail.
Mosquito and its armament!
Mosquito and its armament!
Downy Wood-mint and beetle.
Downy Wood-mint and beetle.
Downy Wood-mint and beetle II.
Downy Wood-mint and beetle II.
Ovenbird foraging on forest floor.
Ovenbird foraging on forest floor.