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Bob Snyder | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Rough-legged Hawk at I-80 and Rt 26/I99: 1.31.09 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Rough-legged Hawk at I-80 and Rt 26/I99: 1.31.09

This is a light-morph, male Rough-legged Hawk (my call, though I don't claim to be an expert with hawks) that I just happened to notice as it was hovering low, 30 yds from the highway. I turned around near the I-80 overpass and pulled off the road across from the hawk. (Nikon D200 with Nikon AF-D 300mm f4 ED lens), I captured a few images as the hawk hunted in the harsh mid-afternoon sunlight! These are not the best images to show, but they illustrate some of the field marks for this bird.
Rough-legged Hawk, light-morph, male. This large buteo, hovers while seeking small mammals as prey.
Rough-legged Hawk, light-morph, male. This large buteo, hovers while seeking small mammals as prey.
Field marks: a) dark wide tail band; b) dark, barred belly band; c) dark carpal patches on underside of wings.
Field marks: a) dark wide tail band; b) dark, barred belly band; c) dark carpal patches on underside of wings.
Rough-legged Hawks have small beaks, and long, narrow wings.
Rough-legged Hawks have small beaks, and long, narrow wings.
The forehead is white and the legs are feathered to the toes.
The forehead is white and the legs are feathered to the toes.
Rough-legged Hawk perched: note feathered legs, down to toes.
Rough-legged Hawk perched: note feathered legs, down to toes.
Length:18-21, Wingspread: 48-56, Weight: 1.6 - 3.0 lbs.
Length:18-21", Wingspread: 48-56", Weight: 1.6 - 3.0 lbs.
Rough-legged Hawk close up.
Rough-legged Hawk close up.