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Stereo Scans

This is where I will post photographic images taken from stereo cards
The use of photographs in stereo cards started in the early 1850's, surprisingly the first stereo viewer was patented in 1833 using sketches though the idea of the stereo viewer had been around since the 17th century.
William Gardiner Anglin  Collection
:: William Gardiner Anglin Collection ::
Rhone Valley View
Rhone Valley View
The Important Question
The Important Question
Orchard Tractor
Orchard Tractor
Combined Reaper and Thresher
Combined Reaper and Thresher
Cape Garrison Artillery
Cape Garrison Artillery
Camel Wagons
Camel Wagons
Shipping Scene, Montreal
Shipping Scene, Montreal
Interlacken & Jungfrau
Interlacken & Jungfrau
Deck View, Steamer Mosel
Deck View, Steamer Mosel
San Rafael
San Rafael
Artist's Dream
Artist's Dream
St Annae  St
St Annae St
Cutlass Drill 2
Cutlass Drill 2
Ontario Agricultural College
Ontario Agricultural College
Royal Munster Fusiliers
Royal Munster Fusiliers
Cork Harbour
Cork Harbour
Coasting along the shore
Coasting along the shore
Field, BC
Field, BC
Russian Troops
Russian Troops
The Taylor Shop
The Taylor Shop
Afternoon Stroll
Afternoon Stroll
Pump Annex
Pump Annex
Watch on the Rhine
Watch on the Rhine
Miss Foley's Fountain
Miss Foley's Fountain
Battleship Fleet
Battleship Fleet
Loading a field gun
Loading a field gun
Dewey and his sword
Dewey and his sword
Hyde Park Fountain
Hyde Park Fountain
Rhine Excursion
Rhine Excursion
2nd Division
2nd Division
Quebec City
Quebec City
Circus Parade
Circus Parade
Interior of the Basilica
Interior of the Basilica
Toronto Exhibition
Toronto Exhibition
Court of a Home
Court of a Home
Interior, Taj Mahal
Interior, Taj Mahal
At the Gardens
At the Gardens
Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon
Yosemite Falls
Yosemite Falls
City Hall
City Hall
Caernarfon Castle
Caernarfon Castle
Old Cairo Exhibit
Old Cairo Exhibit
Saint Mark's Square
Saint Mark's Square
Flower Sellers
Flower Sellers
Manure Spreader
Manure Spreader
Plowing Prairie Soil
Plowing Prairie Soil
Castle Rheinstein
Castle Rheinstein
The Midway
The Midway
Bamboo Avenue
Bamboo Avenue
Passing the Pipe
Passing the Pipe
Brooklyn Bridge
Brooklyn Bridge
Heidelberg Castle
Heidelberg Castle
Street in Dawson City
Street in Dawson City
At Anchor
At Anchor
Lovers Lane
Lovers Lane
The Great Cathedral, Pisa
The Great Cathedral, Pisa
Rustic Arbor
Rustic Arbor
Victoria Station
Victoria Station
Panorama from Bunker Hill
Panorama from Bunker Hill
Wrecked Bridge
Wrecked Bridge
Nevada Falls
Nevada Falls
Horseshoe Falls
Horseshoe Falls
Cathedral Rocks
Cathedral Rocks
Der Dom zu Cöln
Der Dom zu Cöln
Chapel of the Trinité
Chapel of the Trinité
USS Wyoming
USS Wyoming
Beer Garden
Beer Garden
USS Seattle
USS Seattle
View from Lump Rock
View from Lump Rock
Mount of Temptation
Mount of Temptation
South Bay
South Bay
Scott's Monument
Scott's Monument
Bridge over the Maas
Bridge over the Maas
My Girl and I
My Girl and I
Holy Stairs
Holy Stairs
View on the Canal
View on the Canal
The Crescent Girl
The Crescent Girl
On the Market
On the Market
USS Iowa
USS Iowa
Tower of London
Tower of London
Passaic Falls
Passaic Falls
Holyrood Chapel
Holyrood Chapel
Niagara in Winter
Niagara in Winter
Fortress of Konigstein
Fortress of Konigstein
Haste Thee Winter
Haste Thee Winter
San Martín Bridge
San Martín Bridge
Grey's and Torrey's Peaks
Grey's and Torrey's Peaks
Alter of Skulls
Alter of Skulls
San Rafael
San Rafael
Church at Matlock
Church at Matlock
The Mill
The Mill
Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls
Victoria Park
Victoria Park
Immense Trees
Immense Trees
Loading Barges
Loading Barges
Native Market
Native Market
Vacation Sports
Vacation Sports
St James Street
St James Street
Farm Couple
Farm Couple
Falls of Montmorency
Falls of Montmorency
Kirkstone Pass Inn
Kirkstone Pass Inn
Auf dem  Rhonegletscher
Auf dem Rhonegletscher
Luzern und Pilatus
Luzern und Pilatus
Palais de l'Industrie
Palais de l'Industrie
Faunus dancing on a wineskin
Faunus dancing on a wineskin
Flower Sellers
Flower Sellers
Rapids Above the American Falls
Rapids Above the American Falls
Towing Locomotive
Towing Locomotive
Carrying Durian
Carrying Durian
Castle Garden and Liberty Statue
Castle Garden and Liberty Statue
General Schuyler's Mansion
General Schuyler's Mansion
Glasgow Cathedral
Glasgow Cathedral
Le Fregate
Le Fregate
Cour royale Versailles
Cour royale Versailles
Hospital for the Insane
Hospital for the Insane
Saint Mark's basilica
Saint Mark's basilica
Waterloo Place
Waterloo Place
Royal Lancers
Royal Lancers
Palais du Trocadéro
Palais du Trocadéro
Randolph Street
Randolph Street
USS Maine
USS Maine
Canterbury Cathedral
Canterbury Cathedral
Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon
Seven Sisters Falls
Seven Sisters Falls
A Jolly Crowd
A Jolly Crowd
Reception Room
Reception Room
Rue Canal au Sucre
Rue Canal au Sucre
Story Without Words
Story Without Words
Samoan Maiden
Samoan Maiden
Baldwin Locomotive Works
Baldwin Locomotive Works
Elephant in Ceylon
Elephant in Ceylon
Crinan Canal
Crinan Canal
Bank of England
Bank of England
Interrupted Meal
Interrupted Meal
Threshing out Rice
Threshing out Rice
Cliffs of Bastei
Cliffs of Bastei
116th St Depot
116th St Depot
Market Day
Market Day
Valley of the Wye
Valley of the Wye
Ball Room
Ball Room
Sacred Cattle
Sacred Cattle
New York and the Brooklyn Bridge
New York and the Brooklyn Bridge
Linn of Dee
Linn of Dee
Drawing silk
Drawing silk
Burden Bearers
Burden Bearers
Pilgrims R.jpg
Pilgrims R.jpg
Watching a Free Show
Watching a Free Show
Chinese Junk
Chinese Junk
The Steamer Queen
The Steamer Queen
Airco DH.4
Airco DH.4
Whalers Cruising
Whalers Cruising
Bridgnet Michelin
Bridgnet Michelin
Wissahickon Creek
Wissahickon Creek
Château Frontenac
Château Frontenac
The State, War, and Navy Building
The State, War, and Navy Building
Camping Out, California
Camping Out, California
President McKinley
President McKinley
Miss Hicock
Miss Hicock
Women of India
Women of India
Dining Hall
Dining Hall
Pan American Exposition
Pan American Exposition
Eglise St Vincent de Paul
Eglise St Vincent de Paul
View from the Parliament Buildings
View from the Parliament Buildings
Great Electric Tower
Great Electric Tower
Highland Cottage
Highland Cottage
Playing Cards
Playing Cards
Hoodoo Country
Hoodoo Country
USS Kearsarge
USS Kearsarge
Good Night
Good Night
USS Texas
USS Texas
A Stitch in Time
A Stitch in Time
Posing Lady
Posing Lady
Art Gallery
Art Gallery
Full Moon
Full Moon
USS Brooklyn
USS Brooklyn
USS Massachusetts
USS Massachusetts
Lincoln Park
Lincoln Park
Two Bridges
Two Bridges
Ambassadors and Royalties
Ambassadors and Royalties
Near Cliff House
Near Cliff House
Bodyguard and Elephants
Bodyguard and Elephants
The Durbar State Entry
The Durbar State Entry
Russian Cruiser
Russian Cruiser
View from Glacier Point
View from Glacier Point
Sea of Humanity
Sea of Humanity
Valley Gardens
Valley Gardens
Tower of London
Tower of London
Valley of the Hinnom
Valley of the Hinnom
Wilderness of the Scapegoat
Wilderness of the Scapegoat
Westminster Bridge
Westminster Bridge
Rainbow of Commerce
Rainbow of Commerce
Along the Bowery
Along the Bowery
Library of the Vatican
Library of the Vatican
Mosque of Omar
Mosque of Omar
The Great Cactus
The Great Cactus
The Easter Procession
The Easter Procession
Sky Railroading
Sky Railroading
Lord and Lady Aberdeen
Lord and Lady Aberdeen
Zwinger Art Museum
Zwinger Art Museum
Street Scene
Street Scene
Army Hospital
Army Hospital
The Transport Pennsylvania
The Transport Pennsylvania
Grinding Moonstones
Grinding Moonstones
Javanese Orchestra
Javanese Orchestra
A Tropical Paradise
A Tropical Paradise
A Shady Nook
A Shady Nook
Buddhist Procession
Buddhist Procession
Picking Tea
Picking Tea
The Bazaar of Jaffa
The Bazaar of Jaffa
Franklin's Press
Franklin's Press
Giant Bamboo
Giant Bamboo
Fountain Garden
Fountain Garden
And the Palm Tree Nodded
And the Palm Tree Nodded
Rotorua Lake
Rotorua Lake
Selling Potatoes
Selling Potatoes
Bridge and Palace de la Concord
Bridge and Palace de la Concord
Family Gathering
Family Gathering
Place de la Bastille
Place de la Bastille
Ethella, Doris and Bert
Ethella, Doris and Bert
A Drive in Wonderland
A Drive in Wonderland
The Rothesay.
The Rothesay.
Arched Entrance
Arched Entrance
View from the Western Doorway
View from the Western Doorway
Eden Quay
Eden Quay
King Ramses IV
King Ramses IV
Oxford Street
Oxford Street
Westminster Bridge
Westminster Bridge
South Sea Islander
South Sea Islander
Spanish Caravels
Spanish Caravels
Palais du Trocadéro
Palais du Trocadéro
Le Portalde la Cathedrale
Le Portalde la Cathedrale
Le Trône
Le Trône
Palaces of Industries
Palaces of Industries
Loch Leven
Loch Leven
Queen's Cottage
Queen's Cottage
Vale of Kashmir
Vale of Kashmir
St Alban's Abbey
St Alban's Abbey
Glen Ey
Glen Ey
15th Amendment
15th Amendment
E F Hollister & Co
E F Hollister & Co
Cavalry Farrier
Cavalry Farrier
Canal Road
Canal Road
Before the Earthquake
Before the Earthquake
St Augustine
St Augustine
Bords du Rhin
Bords du Rhin
Boston Lighthouse
Boston Lighthouse
New Woman
New Woman
Gazing Through the Sulphurous Vapors
Gazing Through the Sulphurous Vapors
Family Gathering
Family Gathering
Ninety and Nine
Ninety and Nine
Bridge of Dover
Bridge of Dover
Sunset, Niagara River
Sunset, Niagara River
Gate of Notch
Gate of Notch
Venison at Last
Venison at Last
Royal Avenue
Royal Avenue
Academy of Design
Academy of Design
The Middlesex Woolen Mill
The Middlesex Woolen Mill
Holyrood Palace
Holyrood Palace
Jain Temple
Jain Temple
Victoria Hotel
Victoria Hotel
The Country House
The Country House
Mr Downes' Cottage
Mr Downes' Cottage
James Reid & Co
James Reid & Co
Bay Scene
Bay Scene
Ice Boats
Ice Boats
New French Cook
New French Cook
Rocky River
Rocky River
Drummer Boy
Drummer Boy
Nevada Falls
Nevada Falls
Streetcars on Broadway
Streetcars on Broadway
Bala Falls
Bala Falls
Picking Tea
Picking Tea
Mahratta Durbar Hall
Mahratta Durbar Hall
Dome les Invalides
Dome les Invalides
City Hall
City Hall
Ceremony of the Benediction
Ceremony of the Benediction
The Artist
The Artist
Harrowing the Rice Field
Harrowing the Rice Field
Treading out the Grain
Treading out the Grain
Stockholm Harbour
Stockholm Harbour
Threshing Beans
Threshing Beans
Commodore Winfield Scott Schley USN
Commodore Winfield Scott Schley USN
The Cloister
The Cloister
Spooling Cotton
Spooling Cotton
Meat Market
Meat Market
Looking into the Crater
Looking into the Crater
Grand Opera House
Grand Opera House
The Tiber
The Tiber
Williamsburg Bridge
Williamsburg Bridge
Castle Williams
Castle Williams
Loading a Packhorse
Loading a Packhorse
The Sacred Deer
The Sacred Deer
Feeding the Sheep
Feeding the Sheep
Avenue of Banyan Trees
Avenue of Banyan Trees
Brooklyn Bridge
Brooklyn Bridge
Edinburgh Castle
Edinburgh Castle
Korean Farmer
Korean Farmer
Picking Raspberries
Picking Raspberries
Coal for Sale
Coal for Sale
River Jordan
River Jordan
Porte Saint-Martin
Porte Saint-Martin
Tip Top House
Tip Top House
Spinning and Weaving
Spinning and Weaving
Russian Village
Russian Village
Mosque of Sultan Barkuk
Mosque of Sultan Barkuk
The Choir, Glasgow Cathedral
The Choir, Glasgow Cathedral
The Rocks at Cannes
The Rocks at Cannes
Copenhagen Harbour
Copenhagen Harbour
Large Building
Large Building
The Well
The Well
E F Hollister & Co
E F Hollister & Co
Glasgow Necropolis
Glasgow Necropolis
Palais du Trocadéro
Palais du Trocadéro
Rheinstein Castle
Rheinstein Castle
Characteristic Street Scene
Characteristic Street Scene
Canton, China
Canton, China
Shakespeare Cliff
Shakespeare Cliff
Hamburg Harbour
Hamburg Harbour
Avenida de Mayo
Avenida de Mayo
Sister and Brother
Sister and Brother
Quebec City Market
Quebec City Market
Crypt Guardians
Crypt Guardians
The Farmyard
The Farmyard
Casa Rosada
Casa Rosada
The Cloisters
The Cloisters
Children with Oxen
Children with Oxen
Artillery Parade
Artillery Parade
Mount Fuji
Mount Fuji
Great Orme's Head
Great Orme's Head
Stmr Revelstoke
Stmr Revelstoke
Dander Signal
Dander Signal
Russian Troops
Russian Troops
Japanese Troops on Parade
Japanese Troops on Parade
Americans in Paris
Americans in Paris
St Mark's Basilica
St Mark's Basilica
Congress Spring
Congress Spring
In a Snarl
In a Snarl
Step Pyramid
Step Pyramid
The Wetterhorn
The Wetterhorn
Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey
Palace Interior
Palace Interior
Rotten Row
Rotten Row
Getting Under Way
Getting Under Way
Hanging Laundry with a View
Hanging Laundry with a View
Hammersmith Bridge
Hammersmith Bridge
Booth's Theatre
Booth's Theatre
Glory of New York
Glory of New York
Parade Rest
Parade Rest
View of Killiney
View of Killiney
Vegetable Peddler
Vegetable Peddler
Liverpool Customs House
Liverpool Customs House
Making Maple Sugar
Making Maple Sugar
The Finale of the Exposition
The Finale of the Exposition
Great Glacier
Great Glacier
Bridge of Sighs
Bridge of Sighs
Climbing in the Alps
Climbing in the Alps
The Jungfrau
The Jungfrau
Robert Darling
Robert Darling
Concert Grove House
Concert Grove House
Grandmother's Likeness
Grandmother's Likeness
Montgomery Street
Montgomery Street
Chief Two Guns White Calf
Chief Two Guns White Calf
Milan Cathedral
Milan Cathedral
Ludgate Hill
Ludgate Hill
Lauterbrunnen Valley
Lauterbrunnen Valley
Greenland Inuit
Greenland Inuit
Castel Sant'Angelo
Castel Sant'Angelo
Horseback's Son
Horseback's Son
Rhine Falls
Rhine Falls
Rouen Cathedral Interior
Rouen Cathedral Interior
Highland Cow and Calf
Highland Cow and Calf
Grand Duke Leopold Statue
Grand Duke Leopold Statue
The Temple of the Winds
The Temple of the Winds
Lady Nightingales Tomb
Lady Nightingales Tomb
Valleys and Mountains of Interior Ceylon
Valleys and Mountains of Interior Ceylon
Buenos Aires Harbour
Buenos Aires Harbour
Snake Charmers
Snake Charmers
Port of Dublin
Port of Dublin
Terra Cotta Exhibit
Terra Cotta Exhibit
Mammoth Grape Vine
Mammoth Grape Vine
The Old Bridge
The Old Bridge
Burns' Monument
Burns' Monument
House of Providence
House of Providence
French Lady
French Lady
Ancient Cross, Monasterboice
Ancient Cross, Monasterboice
Sparks Street
Sparks Street
Carew Castle
Carew Castle
River Lee and Quay
River Lee and Quay
Old Mill on the Avon
Old Mill on the Avon
Blarney Castle
Blarney Castle
Albion Hotel
Albion Hotel
Mounted Sioux
Mounted Sioux
Trimming Hams
Trimming Hams
Blast Furnace
Blast Furnace
Marines Swimming
Marines Swimming
Milking Reindeer
Milking Reindeer
In the Tavern
In the Tavern
Vienna Market
Vienna Market
Pottery Peddlers
Pottery Peddlers
Kölner Dom
Kölner Dom
The Lily Queen
The Lily Queen
Framing Her Daughter
Framing Her Daughter
Paleis der Natie
Paleis der Natie
Milan Cathedral
Milan Cathedral
Morro Castle
Morro Castle
Waiting to Board
Waiting to Board
Mother Goose
Mother Goose
Major General Webel
Major General Webel
Jacob's Well
Jacob's Well
Sunset on an Oriental Sea
Sunset on an Oriental Sea
Lover at the Door
Lover at the Door
Happy Hour
Happy Hour
Crowd on Main Street
Crowd on Main Street
Berner Münster
Berner Münster
Norwich Market
Norwich Market
Tower of London
Tower of London
Hammersmith Bridge
Hammersmith Bridge
Grinding Wheat
Grinding Wheat
Aqueduct Ruins
Aqueduct Ruins
Watching the Eruption
Watching the Eruption
New Guinea Sailors
New Guinea Sailors
Funeral in Naples
Funeral in Naples
USS Iowa
USS Iowa
The Art Lesson
The Art Lesson
Printing Calico
Printing Calico
Examining the Bowl
Examining the Bowl
Caernarfon  Castle
Caernarfon Castle
License to Shoot Game
License to Shoot Game
Placer Mining
Placer Mining
Japanese harvest
Japanese harvest
New York Harbour
New York Harbour
Altercation at the Bar
Altercation at the Bar
Lady from Alsace
Lady from Alsace
Chinese Prisoners
Chinese Prisoners
McFarland Cottage
McFarland Cottage
The Fairies' Arch
The Fairies' Arch
Aftermath of the Fire
Aftermath of the Fire
Japanese Scene
Japanese Scene
The Haunting
The Haunting
Autumn in Brittany
Autumn in Brittany
Paris Scene
Paris Scene
USS Indiana
USS Indiana
Cutlass Drill
Cutlass Drill
Quebec City Fireworks
Quebec City Fireworks
Schönbrunn Palace
Schönbrunn Palace
USS Boston
USS Boston
Monte Carlo Casino
Monte Carlo Casino
SS Leviathan
SS Leviathan
Kodak Fiend
Kodak Fiend
USS Oregon (BB-3)
USS Oregon (BB-3)
Sea-Girt Torii of Miyajima
Sea-Girt Torii of Miyajima
Hackling Hemp Fibre
Hackling Hemp Fibre
Plow and Oxen
Plow and Oxen
Theater Aachen
Theater Aachen
Piazza di Spagna
Piazza di Spagna
Old Gore
Old Gore
San Giorgio Maggiore
San Giorgio Maggiore
Vienna Scene
Vienna Scene
Mosque of Sultan Barkuk
Mosque of Sultan Barkuk
Ox Cart
Ox Cart
Sister and Brother
Sister and Brother
The Sphinx
The Sphinx
The Musician
The Musician
Paddy's Market
Paddy's Market
Wash Day
Wash Day
Horse Drawn Omnibus
Horse Drawn Omnibus
The Nipissing
The Nipissing
The Philosopher of the Pool
The Philosopher of the Pool
Ottawa Fountain
Ottawa Fountain
Fireside Scene
Fireside Scene
The French Dancing Master
The French Dancing Master
Being Patriotic
Being Patriotic
A Lot of Bull
A Lot of Bull
Tent in the Woods
Tent in the Woods
Elora Gorge
Elora Gorge
Milkmaids of Kief
Milkmaids of Kief
Cornish Fishwives
Cornish Fishwives
Location Unknown
Location Unknown
Torc Mountain
Torc Mountain
Swiss Guard
Swiss Guard
The Forum
The Forum
The International Exhibition of 1862
The International Exhibition of 1862
Japanese Wedding Feast
Japanese Wedding Feast
Helping Wind
Helping Wind
Lapp Family
Lapp Family
Paris Day and Night
Paris Day and Night
Domed Church
Domed Church
The Calico Ball
The Calico Ball
Buenos Ayres Harbour
Buenos Ayres Harbour
Dressing the Children
Dressing the Children
French Auto Mitrailleuse
French Auto Mitrailleuse
Tibetan Devil Dancers
Tibetan Devil Dancers
Water Carriers
Water Carriers
The Golden Sleigh
The Golden Sleigh
A Potter at his wheel
A Potter at his wheel
Eathan Crawford's Time
Eathan Crawford's Time
Llandudno Valley
Llandudno Valley
Snake Charmers
Snake Charmers
Looking for his Lambs
Looking for his Lambs
Mount Mayon
Mount Mayon
S J Dixon
S J Dixon
The Corinthian
The Corinthian
Tempio di Mercurio
Tempio di Mercurio
Siege Gun Firing
Siege Gun Firing
Dancing Round the Daisy Pole
Dancing Round the Daisy Pole
Woodrow Wilson
Woodrow Wilson
French Armoured Cars
French Armoured Cars
Centennial Exhibition
Centennial Exhibition
Yosemite Falls from the Glacier Point Trail
Yosemite Falls from the Glacier Point Trail
Temple of Medinet Habu
Temple of Medinet Habu
Boyne Bridge and Docks
Boyne Bridge and Docks
Paris Girls
Paris Girls
The Nursery
The Nursery
Unveiling the Queen
Unveiling the Queen
The Baldwin Dirigible
The Baldwin Dirigible
Barrel Arch
Barrel Arch
Street Scene
Street Scene
Four Queens and a Jack
Four Queens and a Jack
Royal Hamilton Yacht Club
Royal Hamilton Yacht Club
A Letter from Pat
A Letter from Pat
Princess St Edinburgh
Princess St Edinburgh
HMS Cambridge
HMS Cambridge
Kabuki Actors
Kabuki Actors
Old Town Edinburgh
Old Town Edinburgh
Beauty Parlor in Zanzibar
Beauty Parlor in Zanzibar
Climbing a Glacier
Climbing a Glacier
The Maple Leaf Chorus
The Maple Leaf Chorus
River Lee
River Lee
Comin' Thro' the Rye
Comin' Thro' the Rye
Brides Arrival
Brides Arrival
Winding Yarn
Winding Yarn
Imperial Palace Church
Imperial Palace Church
Dilwara Temple
Dilwara Temple
Easter Procession
Easter Procession
Edinburgh View
Edinburgh View
Me and Billy
Me and Billy
48th Highlanders
48th Highlanders
A Lot of Bull
A Lot of Bull
Temple of Jupiter
Temple of Jupiter
Marching Through Boulogne
Marching Through Boulogne
HMS Niobe
HMS Niobe
Sunday Service
Sunday Service
Niagara Falls in Winter
Niagara Falls in Winter
Threading the Needle
Threading the Needle
Windsor Castle
Windsor Castle
London at Night
London at Night
The Garry Bridge
The Garry Bridge
Climbing the Alps
Climbing the Alps
James St Incline Railway
James St Incline Railway
The Royal Lancers
The Royal Lancers
Cow and Piglet
Cow and Piglet
Durbar Procession
Durbar Procession
Writing Home
Writing Home
Third N Y Volunteers
Third N Y Volunteers
The South Lancashires
The South Lancashires
Burns House
Burns House
Nevada Falls
Nevada Falls
Rural Japan
Rural Japan
Loch Katrine
Loch Katrine
Valletta Harbour Malta
Valletta Harbour Malta
Japanese Fishing Village
Japanese Fishing Village
Moonbeams Dancing
Moonbeams Dancing
Watering Horses
Watering Horses
Russian Troops
Russian Troops
Yonge St
Yonge St
Lalibertes Fur Parlour
Lalibertes Fur Parlour
Forth Bridge
Forth Bridge
Camel and Pyramids
Camel and Pyramids
Victorian Beauty
Victorian Beauty
Traffic Congestion
Traffic Congestion
Royal Munster Fusiliers
Royal Munster Fusiliers
London Bridge
London Bridge
Wissahickon Drive
Wissahickon Drive
The Scientists
The Scientists
Japanese Wrestlers
Japanese Wrestlers
Cockspur Street
Cockspur Street
Kuroki and Kuni
Kuroki and Kuni
Milking Goats
Milking Goats
Enniskery Forge
Enniskery Forge
Champs Elysees
Champs Elysees
The Golden Stair
The Golden Stair
Georges Dock
Georges Dock
33 Horse Hitch
33 Horse Hitch
HMS Marlborough
HMS Marlborough
The Royal Lancers
The Royal Lancers
Temple of the winds 2
Temple of the winds 2