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Denise J T Lee | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Taiwan tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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I was in Taiwan for only 6 days. As a joke, during the first 2 days of my trip, when most of the photos were taken, it was humid and misty, and the sky was not clear. Most of the time the sky looked very dull especially when I was in the capital, Taipei. On the fifth day, it was picture-perfect weather. But, I only took a few pictures, because almost the whole day I was on the road.

Day 1: Photo 01-32, Taipei 台北市 , Jiufen 九份 and Nanya 南雅.
Day 2: Photo 33-57, Keelung 基隆, Yehliu 野柳 and Tamsui 淡水.
Day 3: Photo 58-69, High speed train to Taichung 台中市, overnight by Sun Moon Lake 日月潭.
Day 4: Photo 70-84, Tainan 台南市, overnight in Kaohsiung 高雄 (only 2 photos of this city).
Day 5: Photo 85-89, Kenting National Park 墾丁國家公園 (long rides, brief stop), overnight in Taitung 台東市 (no photos, as I didn't get to see this city).
Day 6: Photo 90-99, Taroko National Park 太魯閣國家公園 , Central Cross-Island Highway 中部橫貫公路 to Hualien 花蓮 Railway station to return to Taipei 台北市 by train.

(All rights reserved).
01_Taipei, tourists waiting for the Changing of Guards.jpg
01_Taipei, tourists waiting for the Changing of Guards.jpg
02_Good Reputation For Eternity.jpg 牌坊
02_Good Reputation For Eternity.jpg 牌坊
03_National Revolutionary Martyrs Shrine.jpg 忠烈祠
03_National Revolutionary Martyrs Shrine.jpg 忠烈祠
04_Drum Tower of the shrine.jpg 忠烈祠鼓樓
04_Drum Tower of the shrine.jpg 忠烈祠鼓樓
05_Honour Guards appear at the gate.jpg
05_Honour Guards appear at the gate.jpg
06_Honour guards in full spirit.jpg
06_Honour guards in full spirit.jpg
07_One of the 2 administrative wings of the shrine.jpg
07_One of the 2 administrative wings of the shrine.jpg
08_Off duty guards marching back to the shrine.jpg
08_Off duty guards marching back to the shrine.jpg
09_Liberty Square.jpg
09_Liberty Square.jpg
10_The most important landmark on the other side of the square.jpg
10_The most important landmark on the other side of the square.jpg
11_Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall.jpg 國立中正紀念堂
11_Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall.jpg 國立中正紀念堂
12_National Theatre, Taipei.jpg 國家戲劇院
12_National Theatre, Taipei.jpg 國家戲劇院
13_National Concert Hall, Taipei.jpg 國家音樂廳
13_National Concert Hall, Taipei.jpg 國家音樂廳
14_National Palace Museum, Taipei.jpg 故宮博物院
14_National Palace Museum, Taipei.jpg 故宮博物院
15_National Palace Museum, Taipei.jpg 故宮博物院
15_National Palace Museum, Taipei.jpg 故宮博物院
16_National Palace Museum, Taipei.jpg 故宮博物院
16_National Palace Museum, Taipei.jpg 故宮博物院
17_Jingfu Temple, Taipei.jpg 景福宮
17_Jingfu Temple, Taipei.jpg 景福宮
18_Longshan Temple, Taipei.jpg 艋舺龍山寺
18_Longshan Temple, Taipei.jpg 艋舺龍山寺
19_Longshan Temple, Taipei.jpg 艋舺龍山寺
19_Longshan Temple, Taipei.jpg 艋舺龍山寺
20_Jiufen.jpg 九份
20_Jiufen.jpg 九份
21_Jiufen.jpg 九份
21_Jiufen.jpg 九份
22_Jiufen.jpg 九份
22_Jiufen.jpg 九份
23_Jiufen.jpg 九份
23_Jiufen.jpg 九份
24_Jiufen.jpg 九份
24_Jiufen.jpg 九份
25_Zhaoling Temple, Jiufen.jpg 九份昭靈廟
25_Zhaoling Temple, Jiufen.jpg 九份昭靈廟
26_Zhaoling Temple, Jiufen.jpg 九份昭靈廟
26_Zhaoling Temple, Jiufen.jpg 九份昭靈廟
27_Nanya Fishing Village.jpg 南雅漁港
27_Nanya Fishing Village.jpg 南雅漁港
28_Nanya Rocks.jpg 南雅奇岩
28_Nanya Rocks.jpg 南雅奇岩
29_Nanya Rocks.jpg 南雅奇岩
29_Nanya Rocks.jpg 南雅奇岩
30_Nanya Rocks.jpg 南雅奇岩
30_Nanya Rocks.jpg 南雅奇岩
31_Nanya Rocks.jpg 南雅奇岩
31_Nanya Rocks.jpg 南雅奇岩
32_Nanya Rocks.jpg 南雅奇岩
32_Nanya Rocks.jpg 南雅奇岩
33_Keelung.jpg 基隆港
33_Keelung.jpg 基隆港
34_Zhongzheng Park, Keelung.jpg 基隆中正公園
34_Zhongzheng Park, Keelung.jpg 基隆中正公園
35_Zhongzheng Park, Keelung.jpg 基隆中正公園
35_Zhongzheng Park, Keelung.jpg 基隆中正公園
36_Zhongzheng Park, Keelung.jpg 基隆中正公園
36_Zhongzheng Park, Keelung.jpg 基隆中正公園
37_Zhongzheng Park, Keelung.jpg 基隆中正公園
37_Zhongzheng Park, Keelung.jpg 基隆中正公園
38_Yehliu Geopark.jpg 野柳地質公園
38_Yehliu Geopark.jpg 野柳地質公園
39_Yehliu Geopark.jpg 野柳地質公園
39_Yehliu Geopark.jpg 野柳地質公園
40_Yehliu Geopark.jpg 野柳地質公園
40_Yehliu Geopark.jpg 野柳地質公園
41_Portrait of a Queen.jpg 女皇像
41_Portrait of a Queen.jpg 女皇像
42_Yehliu Geopark.jpg 野柳地質公園
42_Yehliu Geopark.jpg 野柳地質公園
43_Yehliu Geopark.jpg 野柳地質公園
43_Yehliu Geopark.jpg 野柳地質公園
44_Yehliu Geopark.jpg 野柳地質公園
44_Yehliu Geopark.jpg 野柳地質公園
45_A leopard.jpg 金錢豹
45_A leopard.jpg 金錢豹
46_Fort San Domingo, Tamsui.jpg 淡水紅毛城
46_Fort San Domingo, Tamsui.jpg 淡水紅毛城
47_Fort San Domingo, Tamsui.jpg 淡水紅毛城
47_Fort San Domingo, Tamsui.jpg 淡水紅毛城
48_Fort San Domingo, Tamsui.jpg 淡水紅毛城
48_Fort San Domingo, Tamsui.jpg 淡水紅毛城
49_Fort San Domingo, Tamsui.jpg 淡水紅毛城
49_Fort San Domingo, Tamsui.jpg 淡水紅毛城
50_Tamsui in Love.jpg
50_Tamsui in Love.jpg
51_Lovers' Bridge.jpg  淡水情人橋
51_Lovers' Bridge.jpg 淡水情人橋
52_Lovers' Bridge.jpg  淡水情人橋
52_Lovers' Bridge.jpg 淡水情人橋
53_Lovers' Bridge.jpg  淡水情人橋
53_Lovers' Bridge.jpg 淡水情人橋
54_Fullon Hotel & Fisherman's Wharf.jpg 福容酒店,  淡水漁人碼頭
54_Fullon Hotel & Fisherman's Wharf.jpg 福容酒店, 淡水漁人碼頭
55_Fisherman's Wharf, Tamsui.jpg 淡水漁人碼頭
55_Fisherman's Wharf, Tamsui.jpg 淡水漁人碼頭
56_Fisherman's Wharf, Tamsui.jpg 淡水漁人碼頭
56_Fisherman's Wharf, Tamsui.jpg 淡水漁人碼頭
57_Fisherman's Wharf, Tamsui.jpg 漁人碼頭觀景平台
57_Fisherman's Wharf, Tamsui.jpg 漁人碼頭觀景平台
58_Ita Thao Indigenous Village.jpg 伊達邵原住民部落
58_Ita Thao Indigenous Village.jpg 伊達邵原住民部落
59_Xuanzang Temple, Sun Moon Lake Scenic Area.jpg 日月潭 玄奘寺
59_Xuanzang Temple, Sun Moon Lake Scenic Area.jpg 日月潭 玄奘寺
60_Xuanzang Temple front gate seen from the inside.jpg
60_Xuanzang Temple front gate seen from the inside.jpg
61_Xuanzang is remembered for his 16-year pilgrimage to India.jpg
61_Xuanzang is remembered for his 16-year pilgrimage to India.jpg
62_He was also a dedicated translator of Buddhist scriptures.jpg
62_He was also a dedicated translator of Buddhist scriptures.jpg
63_Sun Moon Lake in the mist.jpg 迷霧中的日月潭
63_Sun Moon Lake in the mist.jpg 迷霧中的日月潭
64_Sun Moon Lake Wenwu Temple.jpg 日月潭文武廟
64_Sun Moon Lake Wenwu Temple.jpg 日月潭文武廟
65_Sun Moon Lake Wenwu Temple.jpg 日月潭文武廟
65_Sun Moon Lake Wenwu Temple.jpg 日月潭文武廟
66_Sun Moon Lake Wenwu Temple.jpg
66_Sun Moon Lake Wenwu Temple.jpg
67_Sun Moon Lake Wenwu Temple.jpg
67_Sun Moon Lake Wenwu Temple.jpg
68_Sun Moon Lake Wenwu Temple.jpg
68_Sun Moon Lake Wenwu Temple.jpg
69_Sun Moon Lake Wenwu Temple.jpg
69_Sun Moon Lake Wenwu Temple.jpg
70_Sun Moon Lake at daybreak.jpg 深潭幽秘, 遠山虚無
70_Sun Moon Lake at daybreak.jpg 深潭幽秘, 遠山虚無
71_The Old Wuchang Temple after 921 Earthquake in 1999.jpg 921大地震
71_The Old Wuchang Temple after 921 Earthquake in 1999.jpg 921大地震
72_Wuchang Temple, rebuilt after the earthquake.jpg 重建的武昌宮
72_Wuchang Temple, rebuilt after the earthquake.jpg 重建的武昌宮
73_Chihkan Tower, Tainan.jpg 台南赤嵌樓
73_Chihkan Tower, Tainan.jpg 台南赤嵌樓
74_Koxinga (Zheng Chenggong 鄭成功) negotiating with the Dutch.jpg 台南赤嵌樓
74_Koxinga (Zheng Chenggong 鄭成功) negotiating with the Dutch.jpg 台南赤嵌樓
75_Chihkan Tower, Tainan.jpg 台南赤嵌樓
75_Chihkan Tower, Tainan.jpg 台南赤嵌樓
76_Chihkan Tower, Tainan.jpg 台南赤嵌樓
76_Chihkan Tower, Tainan.jpg 台南赤嵌樓
77_Koxinga Shrine.jpg 台南延平郡王祠, 又名鄭成功廟
77_Koxinga Shrine.jpg 台南延平郡王祠, 又名鄭成功廟
78_Koxinga Shrine.jpg 鄭成功廟
78_Koxinga Shrine.jpg 鄭成功廟
79_Koxinga Shrine.jpg 鄭成功廟
79_Koxinga Shrine.jpg 鄭成功廟
80_Koxinga Shrine.jpg 鄭成功廟
80_Koxinga Shrine.jpg 鄭成功廟
81_Koxinga Shrine.jpg 鄭成功廟
81_Koxinga Shrine.jpg 鄭成功廟
82_Koxinga Shrine.jpg 鄭成功廟
82_Koxinga Shrine.jpg 鄭成功廟
83_Dragon & Tiger Pagodas, Kaohsiung.jpg 高雄 龍虎塔
83_Dragon & Tiger Pagodas, Kaohsiung.jpg 高雄 龍虎塔
84_Wuliting in the fog, Kaohsiung.jpg  高雄 五里霧中的五里亭
84_Wuliting in the fog, Kaohsiung.jpg 高雄 五里霧中的五里亭
85_Kenting National Park.jpg 墾丁國家公園
85_Kenting National Park.jpg 墾丁國家公園
86_Kenting National Park.jpg 墾丁國家公園
86_Kenting National Park.jpg 墾丁國家公園
87_Kenting National Park.jpg 墾丁國家公園
87_Kenting National Park.jpg 墾丁國家公園
88_Kenting National Park.jpg 墾丁國家公園
88_Kenting National Park.jpg 墾丁國家公園
89_Kenting National Park.jpg 墾丁國家公園
89_Kenting National Park.jpg 墾丁國家公園
90_Taroko National Park.jpg 太魯閣國家公園
90_Taroko National Park.jpg 太魯閣國家公園
91_Also from here starts the Central Cross-Island Highway.jpg 中部橫貫公路
91_Also from here starts the Central Cross-Island Highway.jpg 中部橫貫公路
92_High mountains and deep gorges everywhere.jpg
92_High mountains and deep gorges everywhere.jpg
93_Taroko Gorge is known as the Marble Gorge.jpg 又名大理石峽谷
93_Taroko Gorge is known as the Marble Gorge.jpg 又名大理石峽谷
94_The Central Cross-Island Highway.jpg
94_The Central Cross-Island Highway.jpg
95_Tianxiang Temple.jpg 太魯閣祥德寺
95_Tianxiang Temple.jpg 太魯閣祥德寺
96_Imposing and majestic infrastructure.jpg
96_Imposing and majestic infrastructure.jpg
97_Monument to the heroes who had sacraficed their lives in building this highway.jpg
97_Monument to the heroes who had sacraficed their lives in building this highway.jpg
98_Xipan Dam, or Liwu Dam.jpg 溪畔壩, 或立霧壩
98_Xipan Dam, or Liwu Dam.jpg 溪畔壩, 或立霧壩
99_Eternal Spring Shrine.jpg 長春祠
99_Eternal Spring Shrine.jpg 長春祠