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Joao Pedro Assumpcao Bastos | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Curiosities and News tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Curiosities and News

This folder was created for particular informations as news, alternative data and curiosities. I am proposing pictures taken by my friend Arnulf Kost, 'le berlinois', pictures of my mother having her tattoo and other curiosities.


My Mother and her Tattoo
My Mother and her Tattoo
Pictures taken by my friend Arnulf Kost, 'le berlinois' (gallery released in 2014).
Pictures taken by my friend Arnulf Kost, 'le berlinois' (gallery released in 2014).
Camera Work, o Movimento Fotográfico do Início do Século 20
Camera Work, o Movimento Fotográfico do Início do Século 20
Florianópolis: Using BW Grain Effect - when missing Tri-X feeling (2020)
Florianópolis: Using BW Grain Effect - when missing Tri-X feeling (2020)
Visiting George Eastman's house, Kodak's founder, at Rochester, NY (slides from 2001)
Visiting George Eastman's house, Kodak's founder, at Rochester, NY (slides from 2001)
Santo Antonio de Lisboa: using an old P/S 2003 Digital Camera in 2020
Santo Antonio de Lisboa: using an old P/S 2003 Digital Camera in 2020
Ribeirão da Ilha: using the old  2007 Canon A720 (8 Megapixel) camera, in 2020
Ribeirão da Ilha: using the old 2007 Canon A720 (8 Megapixel) camera, in 2020
Building a House at Rancho Queimado (2021)
Building a House at Rancho Queimado (2021)
Using BW Kodak Tmax100 with Olympus OM2n (Jan 2022)
Using BW Kodak Tmax100 with Olympus OM2n (Jan 2022)
Using Kodak Tri-X with Minolta gear at São Leonardo (Jan 2022)
Using Kodak Tri-X with Minolta gear at São Leonardo (Jan 2022)
Using Color Film with Canon EOS 1n, Alfredo Wagner (Feb 2022)
Using Color Film with Canon EOS 1n, Alfredo Wagner (Feb 2022)
First photos at Porto Alegre, taken with a Pentax SP II (1975-76)
First photos at Porto Alegre, taken with a Pentax SP II (1975-76)
My old Nikomat camera at work with a Kodak film at Barra da Lagoa (2022)
My old Nikomat camera at work with a Kodak film at Barra da Lagoa (2022)
Film: a practical and easy way to scan BW film negatives (2022)
Film: a practical and easy way to "scan" BW film negatives (2022)
Mato Francês: using an old Olympus 35SPn loaded with Tri-X (2022)
Mato Francês: using an old Olympus 35SPn loaded with Tri-X (2022)
Costa da Lagoa; using a film Kodak Color with an Olympus 35RC (2022)
Costa da Lagoa; using a film Kodak Color with an Olympus 35RC (2022)
Using Old Kodak Tri-X with Contax RTS and Carl Zeiss lenses; Florianópolis area  (2022)
Using Old Kodak Tri-X with Contax RTS and Carl Zeiss lenses; Florianópolis area (2022)
Using Old Kodak Tri-X with Canon Fd lenses; road Alfredo Wagner to Anitapolis (2022)
Using Old Kodak Tri-X with Canon Fd lenses; road Alfredo Wagner to Anitapolis (2022)