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Joao Pedro Assumpcao Bastos | profile | all galleries >> Curiosities and News >> Using Old Kodak Tri-X with Contax RTS and Carl Zeiss lenses; Florianópolis area (2022) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Using Old Kodak Tri-X with Contax RTS and Carl Zeiss lenses; Florianópolis area (2022)

Neste folder foi utilizado um filme Kodak Tri-X vencido desde 2009 (o último que tinha). Utilizei uma câmera analógica da minha coleção, a Contax RTS (modelo 1) com as lentes Contax Carl Zeiss 25/2.8, 35/2.8, 85/2.8 e 135/2.8. A câmera funcionou sem problemas com exposição correta. Foi utilizada em modo A (prioridade abertura). O filme foi revelado em casa com o revelador D-76 (1+1, 11 minutos) e, como todos filmes vencidos, apresentou muito grão e estava um tanto velado. O tratamento foi efetuado com o software ACDSee, que tenho utilizado regularmente devido à simplicidade e eficiência. As fotos foram feitas , principalmente, na região urbana de Florianópolis; a maioria foi feita sob a ponte Hercílio Luz, onde há uma pequena colônia des pescadores. O processo de digitalização dos negativos é mostrado em

As other galleries related to the use of films, this one presents photos taken with an old Kodak Tri-X (whose validity ended in 2009). I used several similar films but this was my last one. I used a Contax RTS (model 1) and the Contax Carl Zeiss lenses 25/2.8, 35/2.8, 85/2.8 and 135/2.8, from my collection. In spite of being quite old, the camera operated correctly and most pictures were well exposed (with A mode, aperture priority). The film was developed with D-76 (1+1, 11 minutes); as all other old films (in my experience), the grain is very strong. The editing software is ACDSee, which I have been regularly using, for its simplicity and effectiveness. The majority of pictures were taken on Florianópolis under the bridge Hercílio Luz where there is a small fisher community. The negative digitization process is shown in
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Fishers community, by Hercílio Luz bridge.
Fishers community, by Hercílio Luz bridge.
The Contax RTS (first model) with the Carl Zeiss lenses.
The Contax RTS (first model) with the Carl Zeiss lenses.
Fishers community, by Hercílio Luz bridge.
Fishers community, by Hercílio Luz bridge.
Birds and boats at the fishers community.
Birds and boats at the fishers community.
At the fishers community.
At the fishers community.
Hercílio Luz bridge and the Forte (fortress) Santana.
Hercílio Luz bridge and the Forte (fortress) Santana.
Boat and birds.
Boat and birds.
Birds and ranchos de canoas (roughly translated as boat parkings).
Birds and "ranchos de canoas" (roughly translated as boat parkings).
Boats at the fishers community.
Boats at the fishers community.
Fishers like grilled meat too.
Fishers like grilled meat too.
Some ranchos de canoas.
Some "ranchos de canoas".
Ponta do Leal.
Ponta do Leal.
People at Ponta do Leal.
People at Ponta do Leal.
Avenue Beira-Mar.
Avenue Beira-Mar.
Avenue Beira-Mar.
Avenue Beira-Mar.
Avenue Beira-Mar.
Avenue Beira-Mar.
Avenue Beira-Mar.
Avenue Beira-Mar.
Corner of Esteves Junior and Bocaiuva streets.
Corner of Esteves Junior and Bocaiuva streets.
Esteves Junior street.
Esteves Junior street.
Vidal Ramos street (downtown).
Vidal Ramos street (downtown).
Stop for a small coffee at ARS gallery.
Stop for a small coffee at ARS gallery.
ARS gallery at Conselheiro Mafra street.
ARS gallery at Conselheiro Mafra street.
Conselheiro Mafra street (dwontown).
Conselheiro Mafra street (dwontown).
Open commerce by Conselheiro Mafra street.
Open commerce by Conselheiro Mafra street.
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