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Joao Pedro Assumpcao Bastos | profile | all galleries >> Curiosities and News >> First photos at Porto Alegre, taken with a Pentax SP II (1975-76) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

First photos at Porto Alegre, taken with a Pentax SP II (1975-76)

Em 1975, eu adquiri a minha primeira câmera reflex, uma magnífica Pentax SP II (usada) que era acompanhada de duas lentes Takumar: 50/1.4 e 135/3.5. Logo após, comprei uma Soligor 28/2.8 preset. Enxergar uma cena através da lente de uma câmera reflex me impactou e a impressão causada pela tele foi forte; até hoje eu tenho preferência por essas lentes que permitem um olhar seletivo. A grande-angular é uma necessidade mas minha maior satisfação é ainda, em geral, o uso de teleobjetivas curtas (entre 100 e 200mm). Esse modelo de câmera, a SP II, exige que a medida de luz seja efetuada a diafragma real. A Pentax Spotmatic F (medição a plena abertura) já existia, mas era muito cara e dificilmente adquirível como câmera usada. Em fevereiro de 1976, na minha primeira e curta viagem à Europa e após vender a Pentax, comprei uma Nikkormat FT2 preta e com as Nikkor 50/1.4 e 135/2.8 (e uma Makinon 28/2.8). Porém, a maior parte das fotos mostradas foram feitas com a Pentax. Se trata dos meus primeiros filmes PB, já revelados por mim. São lembranças marcantes tanto no aspecto fotográfico como no meu relacionamento com familiares e amigos. Meus conhecimentos técnicos eram limitados e dominava pouco o contraluz e os fotômetros das câmeras (Pentax e Nikon são diferentes). Mas .... logo percebi que a fotografia é - e sempre será - uma área de eterno aprendizado. Os negativos foram macrofotografados com minha Olympus E-M1 II e lente Zuiko macro 35/3.5. Após, como ACDSee, a inversão negativo-positivo foi feita e, com muita limpeza de sujeiras e fungos, temos as fotos aqui apresentadas. Quase todas as fotos foram feitas em Porto Alegre, cidade onde nasci.

In 1975, I bought my first camera, the fantastic Pentax SP II (used) with the lenses Takumar 50/1.4 and 135/3.5. Shortly afterwards, I acquired a Soligor 28/2.8 preset lens. Viewing the scene through the lens of a reflex camera impressed me and the feeling created by the tele 135mm had a strong sensation on me. The selective view of subjects was - and still is - my preference. The wide-angle lenses are necessary tools but, generally, my pleasure is to take photos with such moderate telelens (typically 100 to 200mm). The Pentax SP II needs to stop down the diafragme for measuring the light. At that time, the Pentax Spotmatic F (wide open measurement) was already available but it was expensive; I couldn't afford them and only new ones could be bought. In February 1976, on my first and short trip to Europe, after selling the Pentax, I bought a black Nikkormat FT2 with the Nikkor lenses 50/1.4 and 135/2.8 (and a Makinon 28/2.8). However, the majority of pictures shown were taken with the Pentax. They were from my very first BW films (already developed by me). These photos were - and still are - striking to me on photography aspects and, mainly, for family and friends memories. My technical knowledge was limited (I knew little about contrejour and how the camera reacted with meters; Pentax and Nikon are different) but quickly I noticed that photography is an endless field to learn, even today. The negatives were macro photographed with my Olympus E-M1 II and the Zuiko macro 35/3.5. Then, with ACDSee, I inverted negative to positive and after extensive dust and fungus cleaning, we have the pictures here shown. Almost all the photos were taken in Porto Alegre, my birth town.
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In the mirror; holding my Pentax SP II.
In the mirror; holding my Pentax SP II.
Chains (with the Takumar 135/3.5 lens); bokeh is a new invention?
Chains (with the Takumar 135/3.5 lens); bokeh is a new "invention"?
The Pentax SP II with the Takumar 50/1.4 (identical to the camera used in 1975, which was, sadly, sold).
The Pentax SP II with the Takumar 50/1.4 (identical to the camera used in 1975, which was, sadly, sold).
Porto Alegre, my birth town; photo taken from Av. Osvaldo Aranha; Rio Guaiba in the background.
Porto Alegre, my birth town; photo taken from Av. Osvaldo Aranha; Rio Guaiba in the background.
Friends; photo taken in an apartment at Av. Osvaldo Aranha.
Friends; photo taken in an apartment at Av. Osvaldo Aranha.
Friends, taken at the interior of Rio Grande do Sul state. Tereza (left), Maureen, Amilton and Clarice.
Friends, taken at the interior of Rio Grande do Sul state. Tereza (left), Maureen, Amilton and Clarice.
Friends; Amilton (left), Clarice and Maureen.
Friends; Amilton (left), Clarice and Maureen.
Camping: Clarice (left), Amilton, I, Maureen and Tereza.
Camping: Clarice (left), Amilton, I, Maureen and Tereza.
My sister Beatriz. She was 6 years old in 1975.
My sister Beatriz. She was 6 years old in 1975.
A friend, whose name I forgot.
A friend, whose name I forgot.
In the mirror, with the Pentax SP II.
In the mirror, with the Pentax SP II.
Parque da Rendenção, Porto Alegre; a source for photography at the time (and now).
Parque da Rendenção, Porto Alegre; a source for photography at the time (and now).
Rua (street) São Manuel, where we lived many years.
Rua (street) São Manuel, where we lived many years.
Our apartment building (Edifício Dona Francisca) at Rua São Manuel.
Our apartment building (Edifício Dona Francisca) at Rua São Manuel.
Our building at Rua São Manuel.
Our building at Rua São Manuel.
Viewed from our appartment. My sister Beatriz on the middle of the frame.
Viewed from our appartment. My sister Beatriz on the middle of the frame.
Flower; at Parque da Rendenção (Takumar 135/3.5).
Flower; at Parque da Rendenção (Takumar 135/3.5).
A plant; bokeh is a not a new thing.
A plant; bokeh is a not a new thing.
Our chandelier, still with us, at Beatriz' place.
Our chandelier, still with us, at Beatriz' place.
Our old cups.
Our old cups.
At São Manuel street; my sister Amélia (left), my mother (who is 96 now, 2022) and Lurdes, our neighbor.
At São Manuel street; my sister Amélia (left), my mother (who is 96 now, 2022) and Lurdes, our neighbor.
A young friend (at the time) at São Manuel street.
A young friend (at the time) at São Manuel street.
São Manuel street. Raul, my brother, is on the middle.
São Manuel street. Raul, my brother, is on the middle.
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