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Using Color Film with Canon EOS 1n, Alfredo Wagner (Feb 2022)

Neste trabalho, dando prosseguimento ao uso de filmes analógicos (iniciado em 2022), é apresentado fotos da região situada entre Anitápolis e Alfredo Wagner (e algumas outras nos arredores de Rancho Queimado). Utilizei o filme Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100 e a câmera Canon EOS 1n com a lente Canon 28-105/3.5-4.5 que data dos anos 1990s. O filme foi revelado num laboratório local e lá mesmo digitado. O resultado dessa digitalização ficou muito bom. Fiz também uma digitalização em casa, macro fotografando os negativos e obtive bons níveis de definição, porém o equilíbrio cromático ficou aquém do obtido no laboratório (que possui um scanner profissional , rápido e de alta qualidade). Nas fotos finais coloquei também fotos feitas com a Canon RP, nas mesmas condições e com a mesma lente. Os resultados são diferentes: mesmo se a foto digital não possui as características inerentes do filme, não há como negar a alta qualidade que se obtém com os equipamentos atuais.

Here, continuing my experiences with analog films (started in 2022), it is presented some pictures taken on the road between Anitápolis and Alfredo Wagner (with some others taken near Rancho Queimado). I used the Canon EOS 1n, the Canon 28-105/3.5-4.5 (a lens from the 1990s) and the filme Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100. The film was developed in a professional laboratory in Florianópolis and the negatives were digitized there. I consider the results very good. I also macro-photographed them at my place; the sharpness is very good but the chromatic results were not as good (compared to lab's files). It is certainly because this lab has a fast, high level profissional scanner. I also present some pictures taken with my Canon RP, with the same lens and conditions. The final photos are quite distinct: if the digital photos do not have the inherent characteristics of an analog film, we can not deny the high quality of modern digital equipment.
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Near Rancho Queimado (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
Near Rancho Queimado (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
Morro Chato; near Rancho Queimado (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
Morro Chato; near Rancho Queimado (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
Morro Chato; near Rancho Queimado (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
Morro Chato; near Rancho Queimado (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
The Canon EOS 1n and the Canon lens 28-105/3.5-4.5, used here.
The Canon EOS 1n and the Canon lens 28-105/3.5-4.5, used here.
Morro Chato; near Rancho Queimado (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
Morro Chato; near Rancho Queimado (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
Morro Chato; near Rancho Queimado (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
Morro Chato; near Rancho Queimado (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
On the road Anitápolis - Alfredo Wagner (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
On the road Anitápolis - Alfredo Wagner (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
On the road Anitápolis - Alfredo Wagner (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
On the road Anitápolis - Alfredo Wagner (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
On the road Anitápolis - Alfredo Wagner (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
On the road Anitápolis - Alfredo Wagner (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
On the road Anitápolis - Alfredo Wagner (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
On the road Anitápolis - Alfredo Wagner (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
On the road Anitápolis - Alfredo Wagner (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
On the road Anitápolis - Alfredo Wagner (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
On the road Anitápolis - Alfredo Wagner (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
On the road Anitápolis - Alfredo Wagner (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
On the road Anitápolis - Alfredo Wagner  (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
On the road Anitápolis - Alfredo Wagner (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
On the road Anitápolis - Alfredo Wagner  (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
On the road Anitápolis - Alfredo Wagner (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
On the road Anitápolis - Alfredo Wagner (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
On the road Anitápolis - Alfredo Wagner (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
On the road Anitápolis - Alfredo Wagner (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
On the road Anitápolis - Alfredo Wagner (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
On the road Anitápolis - Alfredo Wagner (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
On the road Anitápolis - Alfredo Wagner (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
On the road Anitápolis - Alfredo Wagner (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
On the road Anitápolis - Alfredo Wagner (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
On the road Anitápolis - Alfredo Wagner (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
On the road Anitápolis - Alfredo Wagner (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
Near Anitápolis (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
Near Anitápolis (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
Near Anitápolis (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
Near Anitápolis (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
Near Rancho Queimado (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
Near Rancho Queimado (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
Near Rancho Queimado (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
Near Rancho Queimado (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
Near Rancho Queimado (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
Near Rancho Queimado (Canon EOS 1n and Kodak Pro-Image ISO 100).
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