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2008 Photo Exhibit

Gerry Rowland, Photographer

The photographer is most appreciative of the opportunity to exhibit his photos. All photos are copyright.

Mr. Rowland began his journey to “native Iowan” status in 1979, when he took a position as director of the Shenandoah Public Library in SW Iowa. After a brief stop in Scott County, Gerry became a state employee in 1987, with an emphasis in public library statistics and standards. He will retire from state service in June of 2008. He hopes that 29 years of doing Iowa Public Library Statistics (21 years as editor) will help persuade the “native Iowan” committee of his worthiness of the honor. (Thanks to my co-workers at the SL for doing the honors)

Gerry aspires to be a native Iowan. To that end, he married a Storm Lake native and proceeded to spend many happy Christmases in NW Iowa. Along the way, he began countless miles of paddling Iowa rivers and lakes and the description of these activities to any and all who would listen. His lovely wife loaned him a camera, which really helped in telling the story of the beauty along the rivers. These presentations led to his designation as “grandfather of Iowa water trails,” which he hopes the committee will also take into consideration.

Gerry “went digital” in 2000, with a Sony camera that used a floppy disk for storage. In 2004, the camera of choice became a Panasonic FZ10, and more recently an FZ20. He also began a productive association with an Internet-based camera club that features a POTW (picture of the week) on the Pbase Web site.

He has chosen 25 of his favorite photos from the past 4 years. Many are cherished places along the Des Moines River, such as Bentonsport, Pella, Red Rock, Boone Waterworks, and Bradgate. Many are along the riverfront of the city of Des Moines, some are from the backyard of his home in Beaverdale. Several are from the East Coast, including Niagara Falls and boyhood haunts in Connecticut. One is from the East Coast of Iowa. Wildlife, fireworks, anniversaries, art in the park, holidays in the rotunda, and ice storms around the Capitol are also included.

The pictures in this exhibit were taken from 2004 through last month. Most have been a POTW for the FZ10GROUP ( There are also 1,986 photos on Gerry’s personal Pbase site, Please feel free to share your reactions.

Golden Spur at dusk
Golden Spur at dusk
Inner Light at Fenwick
Inner Light at Fenwick
Monarch on purple asters
Monarch on purple asters
Fireworks and anniversary
Fireworks and anniversary
Splashing in the runnel
Splashing in the runnel
Soft light on tulips
Soft light on tulips
Dutch boy with tulips
Dutch boy with tulips
Frozen falls
Frozen falls
Frozen paddler
Frozen paddler
Gold and ice
Gold and ice
Blown  glass
Blown glass
Nite glow at the balloon classic
Nite glow at the balloon classic
High water at Boone Waterworks
High water at Boone Waterworks
Half bridge at Howell Station
Half bridge at Howell Station
Bald eagle in cottonwood
Bald eagle in cottonwood
Rotunda and tree
Rotunda and tree
Miles of smiles
Miles of smiles
Dancers in the sky
Dancers in the sky
Bridge and dome from the Botanical Center
Bridge and dome from the Botanical Center
Rhythm city skywalk
Rhythm city skywalk
Sky in water
Sky in water
Vernon Bridge at Bentonsport
Vernon Bridge at Bentonsport
Sunset at Montrose
Sunset at Montrose
Golden Bluffs, Blue Water
Golden Bluffs, Blue Water