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James Lundy | profile | all galleries >> photoaday >> PAD 2005 >> March 2005 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

March 2005

Kenai under the umbrella
Kenai under the umbrella
Color Markers
Color Markers
Time to Honor my Roots
Time to Honor my Roots
Bald guys are SEXY!
Bald guys are SEXY!
Sunset in the Cove
Sunset in the Cove
Captin America
Captin America
The line up.
The line up.
Poor Man's Fisheye
Poor Man's Fisheye
SP Macro
SP Macro
Color Sharpie
Color Sharpie
SP Friday:  Just the Edges
SP Friday: Just the Edges
SP Shadow Face
SP Shadow Face
PAD Pay Dirt!
PAD Pay Dirt!
Final Studio Lighting Class
Final Studio Lighting Class
My St. Patrick's Day is RED
My St. Patrick's Day is RED
March Madness
March Madness
Spinning SP
Spinning SP
Walmart Sunset
Walmart Sunset
Reflections of Jelly
Reflections of Jelly
City Moon
City Moon
Shadow of the Blade
Shadow of the Blade
Lake Melton at Night
Lake Melton at Night
SP Friday:  Time Warp
SP Friday: Time Warp
Clean Flower
Clean Flower
Mom, Me and Grandma
Mom, Me and Grandma
Feeling Exposed.
Feeling Exposed.
Cool Company Graphic
Cool Company Graphic
Oh that crazy photoshop!
Oh that crazy photoshop!