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James Lundy | profile | all galleries >> photoaday >> PAD 2005 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

PAD 2005

Greetings everyone. My name is James and this is my 2005 Near Years Resolution. I hope this does not turn out like most of my previous New Years Resolutions, like loosing weight, cutting out sodas and chocolate.

Update 01/04/2006. I have just finished putting up my last 2005 PAD image. I made it! I took atleast one image a day EVERYDAY in 2005! Though I did break the rules slightly to work with my liefstyle, I took one image a day between sun rises.
January 2005
<< January 2005 >>
February 2005
<< February 2005 >>
March 2005
<< March 2005 >>
April 2005
<< April 2005 >>
May 2005
<< May 2005 >>
June 2005
<< June 2005 >>
July 2005
<< July 2005 >>
August 2005
<< August 2005 >>
September 2005
<< September 2005 >>
October 2005
<< October 2005 >>
November 2005
<< November 2005 >>
December 2005
<< December 2005 >>
<< PAD 2005 MY FAVORITES! >>
PAD 2005 Your Favorites
<< PAD 2005 Your Favorites >>
PaD Ambivalence (Outtakes)
<< PaD Ambivalence (Outtakes) >>