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James Lundy | profile | all galleries >> photoaday >> PAD 2005 >> April 2005 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

April 2005

SP Friday:  Eyes only
SP Friday: Eyes only
Kidney Stone in Reflection of Rainbow
Kidney Stone in Reflection of Rainbow
Abby at Look Rock
Abby at Look Rock
Gray Card
Gray Card
I'm Cute!  Where is my Treat?
I'm Cute! Where is my Treat?
Take off!
Take off!
Fading away.
Fading away.
SP Friday:  Mountain Sunset
SP Friday: Mountain Sunset
Abby:  The Antinator!
Abby: The Antinator!
The Digital Target
The Digital Target
Home Entertainment Glow
Home Entertainment Glow
Outlet Glow
Outlet Glow
Enter the Dandelion
Enter the Dandelion
SP Friday:  Not sleepy
SP Friday: Not sleepy
The Biltmore Estate
The Biltmore Estate
Eeyore at the Biltmore Estate
Eeyore at the Biltmore Estate
Yes indeed I am a walking.
Yes indeed I am a walking.
Until I learn better!
Until I learn better!
Dinner for Abby
Dinner for Abby
Dusk Downtown
Dusk Downtown
SP Friday:  Noise Everywhere
SP Friday: Noise Everywhere
Idea Storming
Idea Storming
A stroll thru the park.
A stroll thru the park.
You light me and I will light you.
You light me and I will light you.
A little from you does a lot to brighten me up!
A little from you does a lot to brighten me up!
Stand up straight!
Stand up straight!
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick and Erin
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick and Erin