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James Lundy | all galleries >> Everything Else >> Canon G5 >> B is for Bubble > Poor Man's Fisheye
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Poor Man's Fisheye

Last night's studio shot was BORING. I have been holding back on this shot to do it outside, but it has been so windy I decided to do it inside to start it off.

Look "inside" the bubble and tell me what you see.

So I am going to start a "Bubbles" gallery. This was alot of fun. Now I am going to have to take up smoking so I can blow smoke into the bubbles for future variations on this shot.

I will post it's link soon.

Here is the link to my "Bubbles" gallery.

Canon PowerShot G5
1/50s f/5.6 at 15.8mm with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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James Lundy10-Mar-2005 04:38
Thanks Bandito.

What I really liked about the reflection is that there is only one umbrella in the room but you see it reflected on the front of the bubble and thru the bubble it is reflected again on the back right side.
Guest 10-Mar-2005 02:32
Pretty cool shot! Amazing how well it reflects everything. Sweet.
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