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Dana | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Me, Myself, and I tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Me, Myself, and I

It seems a little vain to take a lot of pictures of ones self, but sometimes, you are the only person patient enough to be a model for the picture you have in mind. As I seem to have accumulated quite a few pictures of various parts of me, I have consolidated them here.
For B
For B
SP: Victorian Silhouette
SP: Victorian Silhouette
Challenge: Dedicated to Lee and Bev
Challenge: Dedicated to Lee and Bev
Challenge: In the Style of Lee and Bev
Challenge: In the Style of Lee and Bev
Challenge: Control
Challenge: Control
Challenge: Straight as You Can Get
Challenge: Straight as You Can Get
Challenge: Running Late
Challenge: Running Late
Challenge: Luck
Challenge: Luck
Challenge: Elvis
Challenge: Elvis
Challenge: Song
Challenge: Song
Friday SP: Last Minute Check
Friday SP: Last Minute Check
Challenge: Fingers and Thumbs
Challenge: Fingers and Thumbs
Challenge: On the Move
Challenge: On the Move
Challenge: Out of the Orient
Challenge: Out of the Orient
Challenge: Film/Movie Title
Challenge: Film/Movie Title
Challenge: Film/Movie Title
Challenge: Film/Movie Title
Challenge: Film/Movie Title
Challenge: Film/Movie Title
Challenge: Heat
Challenge: Heat
Challenge: In The Bathroom
Challenge: In The Bathroom
Challenge: Stepping Over the Line
Challenge: Stepping Over the Line