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Challenge: In the Style of Lee and Bev

Home, Master Bath

I told Scott I wasn't going to do this challenge. I didn't even look at the forum to see what the challenge was. After all, I have to stop sometime. He replied, "So, you are going to hurt Lee and Bev's feelings by not doing the challenge dedicated to them?" Well crap! And many thanks to my hubby who allowed me to use the photo. He owed me one for his "Chained" photo, but I hope this doesn't start a trend between us!

So, here is my tribute to Lee and Bev who seem to have some obsession with pictures in the bathtub.

While taking numerous shots in the bathtub (many which will never see the light of day), I also managed to catch an alternate which I had to post just for my Improv Director. Yes, Mr. Dan Grandquist, try to get that image burned out your brain every time you think of the Truth in Comedy.

For others copying Lee and Bev, visit the Thursday Challenge Forum.

Canon PowerShot G9
1/40s f/3.2 at 7.4mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
virginiacoastline16-Jan-2008 10:55
you guys are too funny . . .and too cool!!
Barry S Moore16-Jan-2008 06:13
A brave and a bold image
Guest 15-Jan-2008 20:16
V. The perfect combination! Bravo.
Dan Chusid15-Jan-2008 15:30
Looks almost in the style of Ray Pettit!
; )
Bill Ewart Jr13-Jan-2008 16:58
You nailed this one, I Thought it was
Ray :)12-Jan-2008 23:54
I didn't think you'd be shy on this challenge ;-)
Winter2711-Jan-2008 18:28
.... I feel like I know you two better now.... I have to be careful not to view this at the station as both the men and women here are interested in this shot....!!!
royalld11-Jan-2008 16:14
No more entries, people! WE HAVE A WINNER!!
Great tribute.
You can't stop submitting to the challenge now.
J. Scott Coile11-Jan-2008 15:59
I am so glad you decided to join in. Both of these are incredibly well done and appropriate tributes D!
Guest 11-Jan-2008 14:36
Superb tribute and imagery, the sp is very sharp and well composed!!
Jen Bixler11-Jan-2008 12:21
Nancy Lobaugh11-Jan-2008 12:18
Perfect!!! Both of them!
Guest 11-Jan-2008 12:10
perfect tribute!!!
Barbara Heide11-Jan-2008 09:48
fabulous tribute!!
Jola Dziubinska11-Jan-2008 09:22
This is a +10 capture to tribute Bev and Lee. Bravo, Dana. :)))
Ann...11-Jan-2008 09:08
Excellent, excellent!!
Malcolm Smith11-Jan-2008 08:28
Great tribute. V.
Guest 11-Jan-2008 07:54
Great tribute, this is perhaps the best one! V
Lee Rudd11-Jan-2008 07:54
and feetish too!
JW11-Jan-2008 07:53
Oh! Brilliant! I'm sure a few of us thought briefly about doing this shot but this couldn't be bettered! You can be Bev's stunt double in future! LOL!
beverley harrison11-Jan-2008 07:38
oooo lala...but let it be known...our shots are always taken in separate bathtubs!! this idea...well done you 2!!
B11-Jan-2008 06:36
Great shot my dear. Well done and very brave of your secondary model.
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