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Challenge: Control

Home, Bedroom

When one doesn't have enough control at the dinner table, one must invest in special undergarments to control the results.

For others struggling with control issues, see the Thursday Challenge Forum.

Canon PowerShot G9
1/6s f/2.8 at 7.4mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Bill Warren24-Dec-2007 18:50
It's all in the framing. Very well done. V
Dave Hein09-Dec-2007 19:50
lunge 2-3-4, lunge 2-3-4, LUNCH!!! ;)
Barry S Moore09-Dec-2007 12:19
Wow! Speechless.
Barbara Heide09-Dec-2007 09:54
lol! clever idea! you are so brave! bravo
J. Scott Coile07-Dec-2007 22:29
... or a friendly tapeworm ;-)
Nancy Lobaugh07-Dec-2007 13:17
Perfect!! great idea...
laine8207-Dec-2007 13:02
LOL...good shot, Dana.
Sheila07-Dec-2007 10:55
I knew someone would do it LOL.
Tim van Woensel07-Dec-2007 10:15
Eat less, sport more! :)
Dan Chusid07-Dec-2007 08:14
Gotta put a running track around the dining room table.
On your mark, get set, GO!
carolynne_w07-Dec-2007 04:53
Dana, Too funny! I thought that you or K might have used a corset for the challenge.
Winter2707-Dec-2007 00:18
Fun! And perfect in black and white. Ya got a great figure, lady!
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