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Challenge: Dedicated to Lee and Bev

Home, Master Bath

Not only did I manage to not take a picture for this challenge, I actually took two, and am up well past midnight getting them posted.

So, here is my tribute to Lee and Bev who seem to have some obsession with pictures in the bathtub.
This alternate is also dedicated to Mr. Dan Grandquist. Let's see if you ever give me a book to read as homework again.

My actual entry can be found below.

For others copying Lee and Bev, visit the Thursday Challenge Forum.

Canon PowerShot G9
1/6s f/4.0 at 29.2mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
virginiacoastline16-Jan-2008 10:54
hope you're feeling betterer . . .after all the horse pills =)))
Guest 12-Jan-2008 02:58
Love it!!!! Very fun. :)
Winter2711-Jan-2008 18:27
Fun shot!
Lee Rudd11-Jan-2008 18:18
you are being very coy there! thanks for both images!!!
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