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Dana | all galleries >> Galleries >> Me, Myself, and I > SP: Victorian Silhouette
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SP: Victorian Silhouette

Home, Dining Room

Scott came home with this great SP silhouette idea. When I saw him setting up for it, my mouth dropped in sheer awe and jealousy of his brilliance. I wanted to do one just like his. As I looked at the finished product, I suddenly saw two silhouettes printed and framed side by side in a Victorian picture frame on the wall. I asked if I could totally steal his idea and create a complimentary piece. Thus, I found myself lacing into a corset yet again, shredding my fingers on the beautiful but sharp bodice buttons, digging out my hat, and for the first time getting to use my new hot shoe adapter with Scott's lights. Cool! Scott fabulous picture is below.

Others backed by light can be seen below.

Johnny JAG
Scott C.

Canon PowerShot G9
1/25s f/6.3 at 7.4mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Dick Lowthian30-Jun-2008 13:23
Beautiful work by both of you. Well done! So did those the side by side framed photos ever happen?
carolynne_w15-Jan-2008 05:11
What a lovely set! Great work!
J. Scott Coile13-Jan-2008 14:03
You two really need to print and hang these side by side! Excellent. Added.
Phillip Normanton12-Jan-2008 15:46
Yes, very very posh! Excellent Danahouette :)
Johnny JAG12-Jan-2008 09:07
OoooOoooH! Now that's posh!
Lee Rudd12-Jan-2008 08:27
confession is so good for the soul! Lovely Danaoutte
B12-Jan-2008 05:43
I say no sense in not stealing a GREAT idea. Well done.
Winter2712-Jan-2008 05:09
This is beautiful! Surely this is going on the walls somewhere.
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