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Challenge: Film/Movie Title

Home, Dining Room

This one’s for you Shaggy!

There are times in his life when Hugh Grant thinks back on his film career and prays that this obscure little flick made before he obtained stardom will mysteriously disappear off the face of the earth. The Lady and the Highwayman is an utterly cheesy made-for-TV film based on a historical romance by Barbara Cartland. It contains atrocious dialogue best fit for Mystery Science Theatre, but the costuming and scenery is fabulous. I can't tell you how many times I've watched this movie.

I really wanted to shoot this outside in front of some trees. You know, like where a real highwayman would take advantage of his captive. But at 35 degrees with a wintry precipitation mix, I had to settle for a plain backdrop inside. I softened up the image to give it more of a trashy romance cover novel appearance. I have a newfound respect for those cover models.

And just because I spent 4 hours in prep, shooting, and processing does not in any way indicate that I am taking on photography as a new hobby.

Others participating in this Thursday Challenge can be found here.

And because I took a couple that I liked, I placed them in my Thursday Alternates gallery. I think this one was my second favorite:

Canon PowerShot S50
1/3s f/2.8 at 7.1mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Carole Stevens27-May-2008 05:46
Wow beautifully done, this is gorgeous, hope its gramed and mounted on the wall, pride of place!
Simon 15-Mar-2007 13:37
It is absolutely superb. The way she looks at the masked man is
making me…feel like I should go and wake up my sleeping beauty.
Ric Yates02-Feb-2007 21:24
Great shot - never seen the film but looks like you've captured it perfectly!
Guest 02-Feb-2007 20:42
Beautiful entry and treatment.
Guest 02-Feb-2007 13:29
Absolutely "Divine". I couldn't resist, when talking about Mr. Grant.
Linda Willets02-Feb-2007 01:57
Well worth the effort. vote
Cindi Smith02-Feb-2007 01:32
Wow! Do you guys do this often?? Love it!
JSWaters02-Feb-2007 00:44
Great effort and creativity. The movie had to have been bad, but you may have given it a whole new life!
J. Scott Coile01-Feb-2007 23:26
Well done and timelessly cheesy :-)
Carole Stevens01-Feb-2007 21:15
Stunning pik great portrait and fun doing it too! I thought it was Zorro! Voted!
Barbara Heide01-Feb-2007 21:10
Manda 01-Feb-2007 20:39
I'm soooo jealous that your sexy hubby will play dress up for you... Lol! You guys make such a fun couple! Now I have an image of Scott in tight leather pants... and you in a corset... hmmmm.... I need to write a trashy romance story now...*snicker*... -Tigerlady
beverley harrison01-Feb-2007 19:07
this is soooo cool you are a dashing chap!! lucky lady!!:))
Dan Chusid01-Feb-2007 18:01
Wow! great job on this one!
~ V ~
Guest 01-Feb-2007 17:24
Great shot! Love the trashy romance novel touch. And you're right, if I were Hugh Grant I'd want that movie to go away too. It screams MST3K!
Lee Rudd01-Feb-2007 17:21
wonderful! thankfully I dont remember the film.... this must be much better though!
Wei O'Connell01-Feb-2007 16:22
Excellent entry. vote
Bill Warren01-Feb-2007 16:14
Trashy but oh so nice
Fong Lam01-Feb-2007 16:07
Brilliant !!
Linda Matta01-Feb-2007 15:32
This is a lovely shot. Very well thought!!!
olivier bruning01-Feb-2007 15:14
fantastic! ~V~
Bob Floyd01-Feb-2007 14:46
Wow...and here I was thinking Zorro or something. Well done though. Especially the treatment.
Jason Ellis 01-Feb-2007 14:19
I love it! It's great!
Dave Wixx01-Feb-2007 13:56
Superbly done - do you always happen to have the costumes to hand!!?? I don't think I want to know - LOL.
Guest 01-Feb-2007 13:43
Ohmigosh- it's THAT movie! :) Well done! (Of course it's not a new hobby. For me, either.)
Jola Dziubinska01-Feb-2007 12:34
Very romantic, good you stayd indoors, the effect is wonderful. Very well done, Dana.
laine8201-Feb-2007 12:20
You should send that shot to Mills & Boon :>)
Eckhart Derschmidt01-Feb-2007 11:36
Wow, excellent. Great to have a dining room which can be turned into a studio if necesary!
Guest 01-Feb-2007 11:33
really excellent work.
Renee Lockett01-Feb-2007 10:52
Excellent shot and treatment. Your commentary is too funny. :-)
Martha Albuquerque01-Feb-2007 10:48
very well taken and done.
Guest 01-Feb-2007 10:30
Great treatment with this shot,Dana.
j>a>e>17 :):):)01-Feb-2007 08:49
they dance in the snow
her mystery man arrives
winter tango time

"17" swoons, john :):):)
Maaike Huizer01-Feb-2007 08:49
A lot of work but it was worth it. A great result.
Sheila01-Feb-2007 07:51
LOL! Excellent. You must be dedicated.
Winter2701-Feb-2007 07:46
P.S. "Thank you! Thank you, Silver Blade!"
Winter2701-Feb-2007 07:43
Looks like a hot role playing night at the Browne House! I don't think we'll ever look at Scott the same way! -Shaggy
Guest 01-Feb-2007 07:38
nice one.... :))
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