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Dana | all galleries >> Galleries >> Me, Myself, and I > Challenge: Out of the Orient
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Challenge: Out of the Orient

Home, Master Bedroom

Let’s talk about this photo. First, somehow, it is another photo that required I put on makeup at 9pm in the evening. (I’m thinking of starting a self-portrait gallery.) Second, I needed hair, so I gave the hair rats a go. Hair is now precariously piled on my head. Any movement and it shifts. Third, I thought that it would be good to have a yellow background so I chose our bedroom wall.

I took a few shots in natural lighting using Scott’s Bee (so glad I got him that for Christmas). Yuck. Needed a flash. Back to the drawing board. Finally I got a composition I liked. (This did not include my fabulous hairdo, by the way.) Alas, the picture was grainy just like all my other pictures. Scott sort of shows me how to run it through the optimizer in PhotoShop. (Meaning he did it, I watched, and said if I liked it.) It looked a little better. But after all that, I really didn’t like the yellow background. And, so, lastly, I cheated because it is late and I was too lazy to retake the picture with a black background. I colored over the yellow with black in Paint Shop Pro. I feel so guilty.

But, hey, the fan did come out of the Orient!

Others finding their way out of the Orient can be found here: Thursday Challenges

Canon PowerShot S50
1/60s f/3.5 at 12.3mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 23-Feb-2007 20:15
Helloo.. Nice SP of yours :) It's worth it putting up make up even if it was alaready quite late at night. I like your fan too :)
Will Denney16-Feb-2007 23:59
you have more than just one fan now! nice shot!
Rose Atkinson16-Feb-2007 16:42
It was worth the hard work ! The eyes have it
Deborah Lewis16-Feb-2007 13:54
Awesome shot and story!
Guest 16-Feb-2007 04:55
shy eggroll
Cindi Smith16-Feb-2007 01:18
I like it and you worked so hard to get it right! You took one for the gipper!
Pathfinder16-Feb-2007 00:35
Nice entry
LM Gildersleeve15-Feb-2007 23:06
Hey, I give you an 'A' just for putting on the makeup so late at night. I think the image is very good.
Barbara Heide15-Feb-2007 22:22
excellent work so beautiful
Carole Stevens15-Feb-2007 21:36
Beautiful idea lovely eyes they pop from behind the fan!
Renee Lockett15-Feb-2007 21:34
Lovely idea, Dana. :) Enjoyed your commentary of what you did to get this shot. :) Great entry in the challenge. :)
J. Scott Coile15-Feb-2007 20:43
Nice one!
Michael Shpuntov15-Feb-2007 18:41
Well thought and taken.
Guest 15-Feb-2007 17:46
Gorgeous eyes! Great composition too. Love this SP!
Winter2715-Feb-2007 17:06
You look lovely- wish I could have seen the "fab do". It's a pity you don't like this pbase thing..... *poke*
Linda Matta15-Feb-2007 16:53
I think a SP gallery is a perfect idea :) Your eyes are sooo beautiful!
Lee Rudd15-Feb-2007 16:34
this works so well! Nice fan indeed!
virginiacoastline15-Feb-2007 16:29
LOL! I love your story with this . . .made the pic so much more fun . .I am sitting here at work snickering and getting very funny looks =)))
BTW . . .what's Scott's Bee?? And be nice, here ;^)
Jola Dziubinska15-Feb-2007 14:55
Very nice capture.
Guest 15-Feb-2007 14:41
Great shot. Good concept.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography15-Feb-2007 14:21
Nice :)
Randy Adams15-Feb-2007 14:01
Very nice
Bill Warren15-Feb-2007 13:40
Thanks for sharing the process. Many don't realize what prep work has to be done to get a studio type shot.
Guest 15-Feb-2007 13:00
It's a beautiful shot- and you are rocking at self portraits!
Guest 15-Feb-2007 11:16
wonderful shot, well done.
Guest 15-Feb-2007 10:27
Aaaw I wanna see the hairdo now!
Fong Lam15-Feb-2007 10:01
Beautiful portrait and an exquisitie fan.
laine8215-Feb-2007 09:52
Excellent shot...she is beautiful
beverley harrison15-Feb-2007 09:01
why feel guilty? you had a go and hopefully you had fun doing it and i'm sure you learnt something too, thank you for getting creative!! and i for 1 like grainy photos!! :)
j>a>e>17 :):):)15-Feb-2007 08:16
treasured shy eyes gift
fan of mystical wonder
sweet red yin greeting

"17" ding hai wishes, john :):):)
Maaike Huizer15-Feb-2007 08:15
What a lovely picture.
Wei O'Connell15-Feb-2007 07:39
What a beautiful picture - your hard wok paid off! Yes, the fan is very delightful!
Yvonne15-Feb-2007 06:44
I think I prefer the dark background too. The fan is a delight!
Sheila15-Feb-2007 06:26
This is a great sp. Your eyes are in focus so that is a major +. The fan is lovely.
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