Does this count as an SP? If so, I really should think about making that SP gallery.
About a year ago, I got sucked into the craze of Dance Dance Revolution. For those of you who may be unfamiliar with this, DDR is a video game that is played with your feet on a dance pad. With dance music playing, arrows scroll up the screen, and you have to hit the corresponding arrow on the dance pad in some theoretical beat to the music.
For Christmas, Scott got me this metal dance pad since I had outgrown my soft pad which does not hold up well on faster songs. The plan when I bought this was to use it to lose some weight. Alas, there has been no luck yet on that front.
I positioned the shutter speed at about 1/3 second and set the intervelometer to take picture at one minute intervals (the smallest amount available to me). I then started play. Basic level was too slow so I just had stupid feet standing there. I had to move to fast songs on Difficult. Let me just say that after thirty minutes, one of those pictures had to work because my legs were like Jell-O. On the bright side, I played one song so many times that I went from a failing grade to an “A”! With any luck, maybe I burned a few calories to boot.
For other challengers who are on the move, click here.