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Alan K | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> A Digital Photographic Journey (2004-2017 So Far) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

A Digital Photographic Journey (2004-2017 So Far)

I have been shooting digital, kinda-sorta, more or less since the early 2000's. It was only in 2004 that I got serious about it with the purchase of a Canon EOS 300D. It was only in 2007 that I got even more serious and created an account on PBase to display my photos.

Photo uploads to PBase are plunging in number year on year, and there's no reason to believe that it isn't shedding members and therefore revenue at the same rate. Many people who I once follwed have long gone.

I had planned to stay to the grim end since $23 is not a fortune and there is a decent, if shrinking, community on PBase. I'm not so sure now since what I regard as the unprofessionalism, laziness and rudeness of the owners is starting to really niggle at me. The main reason that I'm still here is that I have to update a LOT of photos before I can upload them anywhere else.

I'm pragmatic enough to not want to be left high and dry if (when) the death of PBase happens.

I've set up an account on Flickr (SmugMug is too much like a secret society and 500px seems to be the "home of overcooking") and expect that when (what I think is) the inevitable happens, I'll go there. ("Here", if you're reading this on Flickr.) I'm adding all of my titles and descriptions to the photos' IPTC Core metadata so that when I upload them to any new site I won't have to waste time creating the captions or descriptions. Good sites (including PBase) read those automatically, although better sites can also read lens information, which PBase seems to be incapable of and I expect always will be. All of the comments that I've received over the years are still vulnerable to loss but I haven't figured out a way to handle that yet. For the moment that's either "hope" or "rely on Google caching".

I don't want to tie myself to any one hosting site again so any sharp-eyed regular visitors may have noticed that I'm now watermarking my shots with a personal domain instead of the PBase one. I don't plan to host my shots there - it would be too much work and a community of 1 is hardly a community - but at least it's a central navigation point which can point to wherever my photos may be hosted in the future.

As part of my site I created a couple of slideshows; one image from each year of digital shooting, ideally one which I have not uploaded previously. Not necessarily the best shot of the year but a diverse range of shots and locations.

(Yet somehow Canberra has been missed despite it being a prominent destination for me for several years now.)

In any case, I thought I would put them up here as well. It's less a gallery than a sampler box.
040502_152520_0058 Laps
040502_152520_0058 Laps
050813_112318_0400 So THAT'S A Leading Line (Sat 13 Aug 05)
050813_112318_0400 So THAT'S A Leading Line (Sat 13 Aug 05)
060908_111244_1255 The RAW Power Of Nature
060908_111244_1255 The RAW Power Of Nature
070602_070954_1838 Wollongong Sunrise
070602_070954_1838 Wollongong Sunrise
080217_101258_0624 A Framed Waterfall
080217_101258_0624 A Framed Waterfall
090410_194630_3380 Night Prowling (HDR)
090410_194630_3380 Night Prowling (HDR)
100209_125849_5253 Practicing PADing
100209_125849_5253 Practicing PADing
111001_124438_19325 The Classic (Or Cliched) View Of The Apostles
111001_124438_19325 The Classic (Or Cliched) View Of The Apostles
121213_131747_25855 Looking Back In Time
121213_131747_25855 Looking Back In Time
130809_123735_8090754 Far Side Of The World
130809_123735_8090754 Far Side Of The World
140209_063940_7545 Closer To Home
140209_063940_7545 Closer To Home
150829_081002_008650 Winter Wanderings
150829_081002_008650 Winter Wanderings
160821_091606_0051 The Symbol Of Home
160821_091606_0051 The Symbol Of Home
170729_172526_1081 One Trip
170729_172526_1081 One Trip