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Alan K | all galleries >> Galleries >> A Digital Photographic Journey (2004 Onwards) > 140209_063940_7545 Closer To Home (Sun 09 Feb 14)
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09-Feb-2014 AKMC

140209_063940_7545 Closer To Home (Sun 09 Feb 14)

Austinmer Beach, Illawarra, NSW, Australia

I've picked this as my representative photo for 2014 since we didn't wander as far in that year. A shot from our local region seemed apt.

We made a trip to Gerringong on the south coast and another to Canberra toward the end of the year. Canberra really does deserve a representative shot given how many trips I had made there by that time but during the 2014 trip I had a severe leg infection and was in no condition to be shooting very much. I barely had the camera out at all on the Gerringong trip and in retrospect I have no idea why; if I recall correctly I was pretty burnt out by budgeting season at work then and my motivation was lagging.

This shot was taken after the death of the 24-105 lens but before the purchase of the Olympus E-M1. It was therefore done using the 40D and my backup lens, the EF 28135 f/3.5-5.6 IS. That's a lens that I never really came to like very much. It was originally purchased to be kept at work with the 300D for PADing, back in the days before hot desking when we actually had space to keep stuff at the office. It was relatively cheap and quite flexible, except on the wide end obviously. And it often gave appalling results. This one... not so bad. But there are others in the same set which were not so good.

other sizes: small medium original auto
joseantonio11-May-2023 04:00
looks sp ñpveñu-V-
Jeff Real21-May-2017 14:03
This is beautiful and I love the composition ~V~
Julie Oldfield21-May-2017 13:49
The light is absolutely stunning. V
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