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Alan K | all galleries >> Galleries >> A Digital Photographic Journey (2004 Onwards) > 150829_081002_0200 Winter Wanderings (Sat 29 Aug 15)
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29-Aug-2015 AKMC

150829_081002_0200 Winter Wanderings (Sat 29 Aug 15)

Kangaroo Valley, South Coast, NSW, Australia

2015 also didn't see us doing a lot of getaways, though there was a very nice "foodies and theatre" trip to Melbourne in June, However Melbourne has already had a turn as the representative shot, so I'm choosing another destination that hasn't; a rustic township by the name of Kangaroo Valley. It sits between the coast and the highlands. (And with upgrade work being done on the main road south, followed by a winding two lane road going from the coast to the valley, and the rain pouring down when we went down there... it was indeed a most "interesting" drive. Not in a good way, no.)

The place we stayed at was part of a group of self-contained cottages on the edge of town, complete with wood-fired heaters.

Although the weather later cleared, dawn on the first day of our stay saw thick mist clinging to the trees around the property's lake. The fog was so thick that it almost made the trees resemble a painting rather than a photo.

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LynnH19-May-2017 20:37
Beautiful misty view there. Very lush too. How nice!
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