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Alan K | all galleries >> Galleries >> A Digital Photographic Journey (2004 Onwards) > 050813_112318_0400 So THAT'S A Leading Line (Sat 13 Aug 05)
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13-Aug-2005 AKMC

050813_112318_0400 So THAT'S A Leading Line (Sat 13 Aug 05)

Batemans Bay, South Coast, NSW, Australia

The previous year I had been on a photo course; my first professional photo course. On that course they tried to explain what a leading line was. But they didn't do it very well, and when we went off to practice with each other it involved people asking "Did you understand what they meant?" "No. I think, um, maybe we just need to find a line somewhere..."

By the following year I had started to go on weekend getaways regularly, and had long since figured it out for myself. I even got the top of the railing up in the corner and everything.

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