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Alan K | all galleries >> Galleries >> A Digital Photographic Journey (2004 Onwards) > 040502_152520_0058 Laps (Sun 02 May 04)
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02-May-2004 AKMC

040502_152520_0058 Laps (Sun 02 May 04)

Bondi Beach Icebergs Pool, Bondi, NSW, Australia

During my first professional photography course, we made our way out to Bondi Beach for some daytime shooting. As part of that we walked from our meeting point up near the main shopping and cafe drag, along the beach and over the rocks to an adjacent beach.

The path took us up and alongside the Surf Lifesaving Club, and its pool. Some of the members were doing laps at the time, which seemed a very Australiana thing to do so as inexperienced as I was at the time, I took the shot.

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Julie Oldfield21-May-2017 13:47
An excellent shot. Almost abstract. Superbly timed. V
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