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Alan K | all galleries >> Galleries >> A Digital Photographic Journey (2004 Onwards) > 070602_070954_1838 Wollongong Sunrise (Sat 02 Jun 07)
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02-Jun-2007 AKMC

070602_070954_1838 Wollongong Sunrise (Sat 02 Jun 07)

Northbeach Wollongong, Illawarra, NSW, Australia

2007. It was to be 10 years before I processed this image. (Though I note that I had a crack at it in 2015 but never finished the psd for some reason.) This was one of my first trips south to Wollongong in my modern times, some years before I was based down that way. As of June, the 300D was still my workhorse. This would not be the case for much longer; my gruntlement with it was gradually getting dissed as I was unimpressed by a lot of its sharpness (or lack thereof) and low light performance, which paved the way for the 40D being bought later in this very year.

But then, my own style still lacked subtlety at the time. Except in very extraordinary circumstances I cannot conceive of using f/22 these days.

I note too that this was after I realised that I needed a wider angle lens and went for the Canon 17-40mm f/4 L over the much more expensive 16-35 f/2.8. This is also when I learnt to think less of the purchase price and more of the future results. The 17-40 was not a bad lens, as such. It just didn't quite have the image quality that I would have expected from an L series lens. If I had my time over, I'm not sure that I would have bought it again.

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joseantonio01-Sep-2024 03:28
nice view with this beautiful sky.V.
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