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Alan K | all galleries >> Galleries >> A Digital Photographic Journey (2004 Onwards) > 090410_194630_3380 Night Prowling (HDR) (Fri 10 Apr 09)
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10-Apr-2009 AKMC

090410_194630_3380 Night Prowling (HDR) (Fri 10 Apr 09)

Spring Street, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

I like large cities by night. They are fascinating places. There is the small problem that to do night shooting well you usually need a tripod, which does draw some unwanted attention to you if you want to capture the city candidly.

There was a brief window in the late 2000s during which I was able to do this, when I would get away for weekends for stays in city hotels. It was a window which, in retrospect, I didn't take as much advantage of as I should have. As with most windows in life, that one closed without me really noticing it. Where I live now makes it harder to access cities at night, but not impossible. I just have to do it better when the chance arises.

This image is the result of some judicious use of 2017 technology, though; I used Photoshop HDR Pro to duplicate one of these images, drop the exposure by 1.5 stops and merge ti with the original to get more even lighting across the parliament house and the tram.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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