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Alan K | all galleries >> Galleries >> A Digital Photographic Journey (2004 Onwards) > 111001_124438_19325 The Classic (Or Cliched) View Of The Apostles (Sat 01 Oct 11)
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01-Oct-2011 AKMC

111001_124438_19325 The Classic (Or Cliched) View Of The Apostles (Sat 01 Oct 11)

The Apostles, Great Ocean Road, Victoria, Australia

2011, and getaways were becoming somewhat more regular, though I was no longer doing them alone. Although there had been other trips away this year, this was the one that broke (for us) new ground and has therefore been nominated as my portfolio representative for 2011.

The (sometimes called 12, though there aren't and never were 12 of them) Apostles are off the southern coast of Victoria along the Great Ocean Road. (A road that is described as one of the "World's Great Drives". I describe it as one of the "World's Great Pains In The ***" if you're in the driver's seat since in any car with air bags you spend most of the time looking around your A pillar to try to see what's coming around the next bend. As a passenger it's a great view.)

The Apostles used to be the coastline. Actually long before that they were the seabed, which is why they're made of sedimentary rock. But once they became the coastline the ocean decided that that was very cheeky of them, and it started eroding them. The stronger parts of the rocks remain as pillars but eventually these too shall crumble into the sea.

An Olympus E-P1 was my main workhorse in trying to get a "picture a day" this year, but on trips away it was the 40D all the way.

Canon EOS 40D ,Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM
1/125s f/14.0 at 50.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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