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Charles Raines | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
For as long as I can remember, I have been involved in photography in one way or another; initially as a semiprofessional, then later as a serious amateur. In the early years, I used roll film and 4x5 equipment exclusively. I then spent years amassing a formidable collection of Nikon 35mm equipment. In 2004 I switched to digital, and also to Canon. I now use a 1DX and a 7D Mk II digital body with a small, but dependable selection of L series lens. My primary lens for photographing birds is a Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS USM. More often than not, I add a Canon 1.4x or 2.0x extender. For support, I use a Gitzo 1325 tripod with Jobu-Jr. 3 gimbal head. For hand-held shots, I have been very happy with the Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM. I have recently added a Canon EF 400mm DO II telephoto lens to my kit and so far am very impressed with its image quality and light weight. I have tried lesser equipment in an attempt to save money, but found that my results suffered. I guess I am not the first person to learn this lesson. These collections are a work in progress. My plans are bigger than the time I care to spend developing them - I would rather be outside with my camera than inside on my computer. I hope you enjoy browsing these images. If you see something that interests you, drop me a note. I am always interested in talking about photography. Chuck Raines, Camarillo, California, USA,
California Birds
California Birds
South Texas Birds
South Texas Birds
Bosque del Apache
Bosque del Apache
Captive Birds
Captive Birds
Florida Birds
Florida Birds
Burrowing Owls
Burrowing Owls
Padre Island Birds
Padre Island Birds
North Texas Birds
North Texas Birds
Northern Quebec
Northern Quebec
North Carolina Birds
North Carolina Birds
Bonaventure Island
Bonaventure Island
Nebraska Birds
Nebraska Birds
Greater Sage Grouse
Greater Sage Grouse
Alaska Eagles
Alaska Eagles