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Bonaventure Island

In June 2015 I spent three days photographing gannets and other birds on Bonaventure Island near Perce, Quebec, Canada. I had never seen a larger concentration of birds, and the gannets are the most interesting birds I have ever observed. Long lenses were not necessary for this shoot because of the close distance to the birds. The gannets were so busy tending there nests, they largely ignored humans. This was a very rewarding trip.
Northern Gannet
Northern Gannet
Perce & Bonaventure Island
Perce & Bonaventure Island
Visitor's Center
Visitor's Center
Nesting Gannets
Nesting Gannets
Northern Gannets
Northern Gannets
Northern Gannet
Northern Gannet
Northern Gannet
Northern Gannet
Northern Gannet
Northern Gannet
Gannet (3rd year)
Gannet (3rd year)
Northern Gannet
Northern Gannet
Northern Gannets
Northern Gannets
Northern Gannets
Northern Gannets
Northern Gannet
Northern Gannet
Northern Gannets
Northern Gannets
Northern Gannets
Northern Gannets
Northern Gannet
Northern Gannet
Northern Gannet
Northern Gannet
Northern Gannet
Northern Gannet
Northern Gannet
Northern Gannet
Northern Gannet
Northern Gannet
Northern Gannet
Northern Gannet
Northern Gannet
Northern Gannet
Northern Gannet
Northern Gannet
Common Murres
Common Murres
Common Murres
Common Murres
Common Murre (Braided)
Common Murre (Braided)
Common Murres
Common Murres
Black-legged Kittiwakes
Black-legged Kittiwakes
Black-legged Kittiwake
Black-legged Kittiwake
Great Black-backed Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Harlequin Duck
Harlequin Duck
The Fox
The Fox