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Charles Raines | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Greater Sage Grouse tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Greater Sage Grouse

In April 2018 I spent two days at the Henefer Lek east of Salt Lake City, Utah. It was snowing on the first day which presented unexpected challenges, but an opportunity to photograph these birds under winter conditions. The second day dawned clear and cold which allowed images with greater detail. The Henefer Lek is not the most ideal location but I was happy for an opportunity to photograph these birds for the first time.
Greater Sage Grouse (M)
Greater Sage Grouse (M)
Greater Sage Grouse (F)
Greater Sage Grouse (F)
Greater Sage Grouse
Greater Sage Grouse
Greater Sage Grouse
Greater Sage Grouse
Greater Sage Grouse (M)
Greater Sage Grouse (M)
Greater Sage Grouse (M)
Greater Sage Grouse (M)
Greater Sage Grouse (M)
Greater Sage Grouse (M)
Greater Sage Grouse (M)
Greater Sage Grouse (M)
Greater Sage Grouse (M)
Greater Sage Grouse (M)