My Favorite Winter Farm |
 T'was the Day After Thanksgiving |
 Ice Bell |
 Tree Shadows |
 An Uncommon Visitor- Common Redpoll |
 Watching the Clouds |
 Like an Icy Snowflake |
 A Lily, Softly |
 A Seat with a View |
 Beautiful Bouquet |
 Poinsettia |
 Icy Spears |
 Barn in Mono |
 I've Come For My Portrait |
 Icy Winter Stream |
 I Think I See Something |
 Snow Buntings in Flight |
 Hay Ride |
 The Remnants of Fall |
 Snows in Autumn |
 Spray off Lucifer Falls |
 White in Red |
 An Icy Hat |
 He and She Downy Woodpeckers |
 Glass Swirls |
 Oh No-I Think It's Stuck! |
 Ring Around the Rosy |
 Rough-Legged Hawk |
 Glen Haven Waterfall |
 Take-Off! |
 Pine Grosbeak Acrobat |
 Winter Waterfall |
 The Clearing Comes |
 Frosty Rock |
 Redtwig Dogwood and Waterfall |
 Winter Sunset |
 Shadows |
 Rock Textures |
 Glass Impressions |
 Male Common Redpoll |
 The Falling Down Shed |
 A Holey Rock |
 Winter Farm |
 Where the Cracks Meet the Bubble |
 The Old Shed |
 Winter Fingerlake Waterfall |
 Abandoned |
 Rural Patchwork |
 Frozen Taughonnack Falls with Mist |
 Taughonnack Falls Close up |
 Ithaca Falls Iced Up |
 Barn with Fences |
 Iced Sumac |
 Graceful |
 Tulip Beauties |
 Snow Crevice |
 Ice Squared |
 Japanese Maple Leaf on Ice |
 Eyes Left |
 The Landing |
 Icy Oak Leaves |
 Snow Goose Ballet |
 A View Overlooking Owasco Lake |
 Standing Alone |
 Rock Decorations |
 Horned Lark |
 Drip, Drop, Frozen |
 Stream on Pleasant Valley Rd. |
 Male Northern Harrier |
 Do You Think This One's Too Big? |
 Old Barn Down in the Valley |
 Itchy Tail |
 Sharpshin Hawk 5 |
 Coot with Dinner |
 Icy Teeth |
 Rough Leg on the Move |
 Red-Tail Hawk on Corn |
 Red Tail in Flight |
 Female Yellow Shafted Flicker |
 Ballet Before Bed |
 Barn with a Split Rail Fence |
 Off to Catch a Meal |
 The Barn on the Hill |
 Blue on Blue |
 Time to Stretch |
 Cylinders and Cones |
 Beautiful Tree |
 The Leader of the Pack |
 Did You See Where My Mouse Went? |
 With His Eyes on the Prize |
 About to Nap |
 Ice Storm Magic |
 The Elegant Snowdrift |
 Waterfall Splashes |
 Lovebirds During Ice Storm |
 Farm on the Hill |
 What's Down There? Kestrel |
 Ice in Spafford at Sunset |
 An Icy Road |
 Almost Down |
 I'm Looking at You! |
 The Smile |
 Icicles in the Stream |
 Water and Ice |
 Forgotten |
 Circling for Food |
 Horse Farm |
 An Excited Male Hooded Merganzer |
 Eastern Bluebird |
 Sharpshin Hawk |
 Left to Rust |
 Blown Away |
 Bufflehead |
 Spring Breakfast |
 Angry Goose |
 I'm Over Here Ladies! |
 Herald of Spring |
 Reflective Wood Duck |
 Look at Me! I Can Balance a Feather! |
 Love in the Afternoon |
 Song Sparrow |
 White Horse, Red Barn |
 Blowin' in the Wind |
 Tree Swallows |
 Red Rose |
 Confrontation |
 Reflections |
 Osprey Take-Off |
 Blue Wing Teal Feeding |
 Quietly, He Hunts |
 Meadowlark's Return |
 Bloodroot Bud |
 Eastern Towhee |
 Skunk Cabbage-First Flower of Spring |
 Caracal |
 The Smiling Garter Snake |
 Twinleaf Buds Emerging |
 Pasque Flower |
 Watery Jewels |
 Old Wagon Parts |
 Virginia Bluebells ( Mertensia) |
 Female Common Merganzer |
 Bleeding Heart pair |
 Deserted |
 The Lookout |
 Blue Wing Teal Flight Shot |
 Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher |
 Bobolink |
 Bank and Tree Swallows |
 The Guardians |
 Shoveler Take-Off |
 Dandelion Patterns |
 Shaking His Booty |
 Immature Bald Eagle |
 Catbird |
 Sedum Silver Spoons Flowers |
 Columbine Buds |
 Forest Pansy Redbud Leaves |
 Locust Buds Emerging |
 Northern Oriole |
 Bleeding Hearts |
 Scarlet Tanager |
 Allium Emergence |
 Warbling Vireo |
 Waiting to Open |
 Pink Ruffles |
 A Treat for the Lady |
 Bluebird in Flight |
 Dogwood |
 Purple Finch |
 Bad Hair Day |
 Female Bluebird |
 Female Ruby Throated Hummingbird |
 Ravishing in Red |
 Weeping Beech |
 A Touch of Pink |
 That Was Hilarious! |
 Willow Flycatcher |
 Before the Storm |
 Baltimore Checkerspot Butterfly |
 Enfolding |
 Curious Mockingbird |
 Summer Farm |
 Supper Time |
 Canada Lily and Bud |
 And the Rocket's Red Glare |
 The Fruits of Summer |
 Drip, Drop |
 Ready to Stand Tall |
 Barn Swallow Vocalizing |
 Open-Winged Baltimore Checkerspot |
 Curvaceous |
 Tree Jewels |
 Learning How to Land |
 Practice |
 Caspian Tern and Young |
 Little Green Heron |
 Female Belted Kingfisher |
 Can You See My Tonsils? |
 Star Nosed Mole |
 Alone |
 Morning Layers 2 |
 Hay Patterns |
 Roadside Tansy |
 Great Spangled Fritillary |
 Yellowlegs' Squabble |
 The Gathering Storm at Sunset |
 A Lovely Summer Day |
 Moth Virginia Ctenucha |
 Least Sandpiper |
 Female Twelve Spotted Skimmer |
 Hurray! ( Kingbird) |
 Fawn |
 Caspian Tern Flight Shot |
 Male Halloween Pennant Skimmer |
 Barn Decorations |
 Just Hanging Around |
 Red (left) and White Admirals |
 Hummingbird Clearwing Moth |
 Female Hummingbird About to Eat |
 Great Golden Wasp |
 Distant Storm |
 Incoming |
 White-Tail Deer Fawn |
 Sly Fox |
 Canadian Tiger Swallowtail |
 Peaceful Evening |
 The Big Stretch |
 With His Eyes on the Prize |
 Horses and Sunflowers |
 Hip-Hop, Over the Top |
 Great Swallowtail |
 Sunset at the Marsh |
 Waiting Kitty |
 A Golden Summer Day |
 Summer at Cowshed Falls |
 Mama Wood Duck and her Brood |
 Semi-Palmated Plover |
 Ithaca Has Gorges |
 Mean Mama |
 Elegance |
 Eyes Right! |
 Waterfall with Flowers |
 Look at What I Caught !! |
 Tapestry |
 The Tough Life |
 Fall Pond |
 Color along the River |
 A View from the Bridge |
 Fingerlake Waterfall |
 Piseco Outlet |
 The Praying Mantis |
 Fall Reflection |
 The Reef at Green Lakes |
 Morning Has Broken |
 Moose River Color |
 Fringed Gentians |
 Oxbow Outlet, Adirondacks |
 The Falls at Havana Glen |
 Mountain Home Stream |
 Birches by the Marsh |
 Autumn in the Country |
 Beezie Madden at the '08 Budwieser Cup |
 Into the Woods |
 Fall Changes |
 Fall Apple Tree |
 Almost Gone |
 Country Road |
 Shoveler on the Move |
 Montour Area Falls |
 Three at Sunset |
 Seedcases |
 Pointing to the Color |
 Cardinal on Corn |
 Pintail Pair |
 A Very Nimble Fellow |
 Forgotten |
 Just a Spot of Red |
 Frosted Dogwood Berries |
 White Throated Sparrow |
 Goose with the Munchies |
 The Gregory Farm at Dawn |
 Marsh Wren |
 Morning Fog |
 First Sharpshin of the Winter |