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Walter Otto Koenig | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> In the City tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

In the City

A series of black and white images taken in Downtown San Diego
Santa Fe Depot 2
Santa Fe Depot 2
Museum of Illusions
Museum of Illusions
San Diego Hardware Company
San Diego Hardware Company
Harbor Drive
Harbor Drive
Tacos el Gordo
Tacos el Gordo
Park Boulevard Pedestrian Bridge
Park Boulevard Pedestrian Bridge
Sofia Hotel
Sofia Hotel
Bayfront Hilton
Bayfront Hilton
4th & Broadway
4th & Broadway
Padres Parkade
Padres Parkade
Fifth Avenue
Fifth Avenue
El Chingon
El Chingon
Goorin Bros. Hat Shop
Goorin Bros. Hat Shop
Rustic Root Restaurant
Rustic Root Restaurant
Front St.
Front St.
Metamorphosis on 5th Avenue
Metamorphosis on 5th Avenue
Santa Fe Depot
Santa Fe Depot