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San Diego Hardware Company

Nikon D850 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/1600s f/6.3 at 24.0mm iso1000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Christian Dumont06-Mar-2024 17:22
Nice street shot and B&W.
Danad21-Feb-2024 10:46
The lonely passerby seems to be lit by her own light. Great shot with sharp details.
Tom LeRoy21-Feb-2024 08:37
Well timed and such an interesting line of hardware to enjoy. The monochrome is just perfect here. V
Fong Lam21-Feb-2024 05:29
Fabulous perspective and mono tones and nice inclusion of the passerby...V
PauloCGama20-Feb-2024 23:10
Splendid candid!!!
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte20-Feb-2024 22:15
Beautiful local street in excellent BN all full of nice atmosphere! Congratulations!
joseantonio20-Feb-2024 19:31
nice timing to get that person there.V.
Apostolos Tikopoulos20-Feb-2024 19:07
Beautiful street shot in b&w. V
globalgadabout20-Feb-2024 19:05
seems they have radically updated their product line, yet preserved the older signage...wise to include a passerby to add an energetic vibe to the scene..
Julie Oldfield20-Feb-2024 17:59
I love the timing. V
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