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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> In the City > Rustic Root Restaurant
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Rustic Root Restaurant

Nikon D850 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/200s f/4.5 at 38.0mm iso2000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
janescottcumming13-Jan-2024 14:37
That's a lot of ceiling lights! A lot to take look at in this fine interior shot. V
Fong Lam13-Jan-2024 11:42
Beautiful capture of this well decorated restaurant in monochrome...V
Danad13-Jan-2024 10:43
A great monochrome superbly lit !
Bryan Murahashi13-Jan-2024 04:20
Beautiful setting and tones. Very nice in monochrome.
Dan Opdal13-Jan-2024 03:52
Wonderful capture in B&W! V
Nirvan Hope13-Jan-2024 03:01
Not sure where 'Rustic' fits in here, but wow, that's a lot of busyness and detail!
Dennis Hoyne13-Jan-2024 02:45
There is so much of interest here, I especially like the ceiling full of lights.
Charlene Ambrose13-Jan-2024 01:46
So much to see. Beautifully composed image. V
Julie Oldfield13-Jan-2024 01:34
So much to take in. Very dynamic. V
Bill Miller13-Jan-2024 01:22
Lots of character in this dining room
Richard Chu12-Jan-2024 23:56
Very impressive monochrome interior image! V
joseantonio12-Jan-2024 17:01
love the ceiling decorations.V
globalgadabout12-Jan-2024 16:54
a very modern take on rustic, but there is certainiy no shortage of lights...well done to pick up on all the patterns in the scene..
Dan Greenberg12-Jan-2024 16:54
Excellent interior image of this very attractive looking restaurant. ~BV~
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