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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> In the City > Harbor Drive
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Harbor Drive

Nikon D850 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/400s f/8.0 at 24.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Doug Cruden03-Mar-2024 19:57
What lush geometricity! Super POV as well
Julie Oldfield20-Feb-2024 18:00
What a terrific soaring image. V
marie-jose wolff20-Feb-2024 16:56
great perspective, beautiful curved lines! V
Marcia Colelli20-Feb-2024 15:56
Great perspective composition. Nice work. V
Marcia Rules20-Feb-2024 15:36
The white sky actually helps here. Great dynamics and flow of tones ~VVV~
Bryan Murahashi20-Feb-2024 04:27
Very nice circular shapes and perspective.
joseantonio20-Feb-2024 04:15
what a great perspective.V.
Carl Carbone20-Feb-2024 02:40
Great POV! I like the inclusion of the tree on the left for balance.
janescottcumming19-Feb-2024 23:57
An interesting looking place. A towering view! V
PauloCGama19-Feb-2024 23:24
Superb perspective!
globalgadabout19-Feb-2024 22:27
silos of a different ilk, and pictured to perfection..
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