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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> In the City > Metamorphosis on 5th Avenue
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Metamorphosis on 5th Avenue

Nikon D850 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/200s f/11.0 at 24.0mm iso1400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Alain Boussac21-Feb-2024 13:04
Fantastic play of lights and reflections. The eye gets lost and it’s very good ! V.
Fong Lam11-Jan-2024 03:45
A cool composition with those clear reflections...excellent work! V
LynnH11-Jan-2024 01:51
A fantastic, fascinating image!! V
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte10-Jan-2024 22:32
A very precious document. Congratulations Walter
Julie Oldfield10-Jan-2024 18:26
Fabulous 3D reflections. Love your shadow. V
Patricia Kay10-Jan-2024 15:52
A wonderful street scene Walter…BV
Pierre10-Jan-2024 14:20
Une magnifique photo de cette belle avenue avec une superbe réflexion en premier plan! V
janescottcumming10-Jan-2024 12:46
Loved how you used the reflection to create so much interest. V
Tom LeRoy10-Jan-2024 09:15
The monochrome brings out all the elements so well. Excellent shot, Walter. V
Bryan Murahashi10-Jan-2024 05:07
A very nice and creative reflection capture.
joseantonio10-Jan-2024 04:01
awesome work so creative.V.
Charlene Ambrose10-Jan-2024 03:01
Very cool shot with the reflection. V
Nirvan Hope10-Jan-2024 02:19
Wonderful magical work with the reflections creating more than one storyline.
Dan Opdal10-Jan-2024 00:01
Very nicely done! V
larose forest photos09-Jan-2024 22:02
Intriguing and well-crafted shot, the reflection really add to the amazing image. VVV
Jeff B.09-Jan-2024 21:26
Love how the reflection fits so perfectly into this scene. V
globalgadabout09-Jan-2024 21:13
an awesome, multi-dimensional image...stellar work Walter...V
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