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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> In the City > Padres Parkade
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Padres Parkade

Nikon D850 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/250s f/11.0 at 24.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ken Batiuk19-Feb-2024 20:50
Very good architectural photography. I love those perfect vertical lines, not to mention the superb black and white tonality. V.
Ursula Miller19-Jan-2024 15:05
Interesting architecture, perfect in b&w! V
Fong Lam19-Jan-2024 09:33
Excellent gray tones and light contrast in this fine composition...V
Don Mottershead18-Jan-2024 23:47
Fabulous processing. V
janescottcumming18-Jan-2024 21:36
That’s a gorgeous black and white! V
Tom LeRoy18-Jan-2024 14:03
The Padres have a great parking facility, and this is a fine shot of it with this lighting and monochrome capture. V
Danad18-Jan-2024 10:57
Great contrast of light and subtle monochrome tones in this achieved composition.
Charlene Ambrose18-Jan-2024 02:15
Excellent capture in black and white. Love the lighting. V
Julie Oldfield18-Jan-2024 02:08
Those shadows are phenomenal. What a mood. V
Carl Carbone17-Jan-2024 22:27
Wonderful tones and dappled light.
Marcia Rules17-Jan-2024 21:00
Picture perfect tonal range! The light is in all the right spots VVV~
Nirvan Hope17-Jan-2024 19:58
Great light and shadow on this geometric complexity.
joseantonio17-Jan-2024 19:26
nice composition of lines.V.
globalgadabout17-Jan-2024 19:05
first base for fans then...presumably they get good attendance with such a large structure..
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