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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> In the City > Fifth Avenue
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Fifth Avenue

Nikon D850 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/250s f/11.0 at 28.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Julie Oldfield18-Jan-2024 02:08
Those repeating patterns are mesmerizing. V
marie-jose wolff17-Jan-2024 16:37
the building is really superb with this alignment of windows! V
Danad17-Jan-2024 15:14
Great perspective on this excellent monochrome.
Fong Lam17-Jan-2024 10:41
Love the perspective and clarity in this marvelous monochrome capture...V
Arnie Peterschmidt17-Jan-2024 05:43
Wow, that's a statement building! Excellent perspective and light.
Bryan Murahashi17-Jan-2024 04:15
Great capture of this long promenade.
LynnH17-Jan-2024 03:09
Really well lit with nice tones. V
Charlene Ambrose17-Jan-2024 01:35
Such and interesting view. Looks like all the upper levels are the same. Wonder if anyone notices that while walking along the street. V
larose forest photos17-Jan-2024 00:10
A very interesting block of buildings, all different establishments on the ground floor, but uniform above. Excellent detailed shot. VV
Apostolos Tikopoulos16-Jan-2024 20:55
Excellent monochrome and great perspective. V
Jean Chiasson16-Jan-2024 20:42
Beautiful B&W composition Walter V
joseantonio16-Jan-2024 19:27
nice perspective with this POV...V.
globalgadabout16-Jan-2024 18:10
what a lengthy choice of POV to exploit the many lines here..
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