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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> In the City > 4th & Broadway
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4th & Broadway

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Jeff Real20-Jan-2024 15:40
Monochrome perfection!
Danad20-Jan-2024 14:56
Great use of the lines and light.
janescottcumming20-Jan-2024 13:50
Beautifully composed and processed. V
Marcia Colelli20-Jan-2024 12:29
Wonderful perspective and nice in B&W V
Julie Oldfield20-Jan-2024 03:14
Love the tones and architectural detail. Composed superbly. V
LynnH20-Jan-2024 01:07
Wow, another stunning cityscape shot. Great tones and sharp details. V
Dan Opdal19-Jan-2024 21:33
Very nice sharp composition in B&W! V
globalgadabout19-Jan-2024 20:50
a clean and clear look to this image, and a meticulously executed composition..
Carl Carbone19-Jan-2024 20:23
Love this processing. So awesome.
joseantonio19-Jan-2024 19:29
lovely monochrome presentation.V
Pieter Bos19-Jan-2024 19:11
Very well done in B&W Walter! ~V
Allan Jay19-Jan-2024 18:50
Great street scene Excellent choice in monochrome!
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