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Henk Bril | profile | all galleries >> Astrohistorica (updated 2024) >> Star Atlases and Celestial Maps before 1900 (updated 2024) >> Jamieson 1824 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Jamieson 1824

In 2013 I bought three mysterious maps. Unmistakably based upon Fortin/Bode, unmistakably English - but also for a while unidentifiable; it took me nine years to identify them.
They are from "An Atlas of Outline Maps of the Heavens" by Alexander Jamieson.
This consisted of 28 charts the same size as those in his Celestial Atlas, depicting the outlines of the constellation figures only, with no stars.
Students were expected to position the stars on the charts for themselves by reference to his Celestial Atlas.
Plate 02
Plate 02
Plate 14
Plate 14
Plate 21
Plate 21